WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML


Everything you need to start selling internationally is in this plugin. Easily set up and manage products in multiple currencies, no matter the size of your store or the team running it. Or, upgrade by purchasing WPML and translate your entire store to reach new customers all over the world.

See how it works in this short video:

Free Multi-Currency Features

This is the only free plugin that includes all of the following multi-currency features:

  • Set up multiple currencies to display based on a customer’s location
  • Add currency switchers to your site
  • Format your currencies
  • Set your own exchange rates or connect with an automatic exchange rate service
  • Set custom prices and shipping rates in your secondary currencies

Add WPML to Make Your Store Multilingual

Translate your entire store and unlock even more multicurrency features by pairing WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML – the most popular translation plugin for WordPress sites:

  • Tłumaczenie wszystkich produktów WooCommerce (proste, zmienne, grupowane, zewnętrzne)
  • Translate all store URLs and endpoints
  • Translate product reviews
  • Translate product categories and attributes
  • Translate content automatically using DeepL, Google Translate, and Microsoft
  • Keep the same language throughout the checkout process
  • Send emails to clients and admins in their language
  • Track inventory without breaking products into languages
  • Display currencies based on site language
  • Use different payment methods for each currency
  • Add functionality using WooCommerce REST API

To get all multilingual features, you will need a WPML Multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency account type.

Read more about translating your WooCommerce store with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual.

Compatibility With Woocommerce Extensions

Prawie każdy sklep WooCommerce korzysta z niektórych rozszerzeń. WooCommerce Multilingual jest w pełni kompatybilny z popularnymi rozszerzeniami, w tym:

Looking for other extensions that are tested and compatible with WPML? See the complete list of WordPress plugins that are compatible with WPML.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Currency switcher on the front-end
  • WooCommerce Multicurrency
  • Adding a currency
  • Adding currency switchers
  • Currency switcher options
  • Setting automatic exchange rates
  • Setting custom prices in different currencies
  • Setting custom shipping rates
  • WCML standalone mode


Minimalne wymagania

  • WordPress w wersji 4.7 lub nowszy
  • PHP version 7.2 or later
  • MySQL w wersji 5.6 lub nowszy
  • WooCommerce 3.9.0 or later


Install and activate “WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency” on your WordPress site. Then, go to WooCommerce → WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency and enable the multi-currency mode to add more currencies to your store. Read more about setting up multiple currencies for your online store.

If you also use the WPML plugin for multilingual functionality, follow the setup wizard to translate the store pages, configure what attributes should be translated, enable the multi-currency mode and more. Read more about translating your online store.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Czy wtyczka działa z innymi wtyczkami e-commerce?

Nie. Wtyczka jest dostosowana tylko do WooCommerce.

Co muszę zrobić w moim motywie?

Make sure that your theme is not hard-coding any URL. Always use API calls to receive URLs to pages and you’ll be fine.

How do I edit the translations of the cart or checkout page?

Some themes and plugins provide their own translations via localization files. WordPress loads these translations automatically.

To change any of these translations, you need to scan the theme or plugin providing these files. Go to WPML → Theme and Plugins Localization, select the theme or plugin providing the checkout page, and scan it.

After scanning, you should have the strings available in WPML → String Translation.

Read more about translating cart and checkout pages.

Czy można mieć różne adresy URL do sklepu w różnych językach?

Tak. Można przetłumaczyć bazę permalink produktów, bazę kategorii produktów, bazę tagów produktów i bazę atrybutów produktów w sekcji adresów URL sklepu.

Dlaczego moje strony z kategoriami produktów zwracają błąd 404?

W tym przypadku może być konieczne przetłumaczenie bazy kategorii produktów. Można to zrobić w sekcji adresów URL sklepów.

Czy można ustawić ceny w dodatkowych walutach?

Domyślnie, ceny w walutach dodatkowych są ustalane na podstawie kursów wymiany, które podano podczas dodawania lub edycji waluty. W przypadku poszczególnych produktów można je nadpisać i ustawić ceny ręcznie dla dodatkowych walut.

Czy można mieć oddzielne waluty dla każdego języka?

Yes. By default, each currency will be available for all languages, but you can customize this and disable certain currencies on certain languages. You also have the option to display different currencies based on your customers’ locations instead.

Czy wtyczka jest kompatybilna z innymi rozszerzeniami WooCommerce?

Wtyczka WooCommerce Multilingual jest kompatybilna z wszystkimi głównymi rozszerzeniami WooCommerce. Nieustannie pracujemy nad sprawdzeniem i utrzymaniem kompatybilności i ściśle współpracujemy z autorami rozszerzeń.


I was asked to write a comment following a support request on the WPML forum—one of the many I’ve benefited from for free over the past eight years, essentially since we purchased a lifetime WPML license. What I can say is that, over the years, the plugin has consistently improved, both in terms of performance and functionality. The support is there, and it’s provided in a significant way through a dedicated forum. I truly believe that very few WordPress plugins are as well-structured as this one, with such a solid support system in place. So, yes, I definitely recommend WPML – it’s undoubtedly one of the best language management plugins for WordPress.
I had a problem with translating Conditional Logic in YayMail. I contacted WPML support and they provided me with an excellent work-around solution until an official fix was released on the plugin. Very efficient support team and quite fast too.
2025-01-24 3 odpowiedzi
I purchased WPML, and the payment was processed successfully. I received both the tax invoice and my login credentials, but when I try to log in, the account doesn’t work. I’ve reached out to WPML support multiple times via email. While I understand it’s only been 3-4 days, I have a client and a looming deadline to meet. I can’t download WPML, even though they’ve already charged me. Has anyone else experienced something similar with their support? Thanks.
WPML is great for specific use cases. However, it is a large plugin that can be overkill in some situations because it offers many features that are not always necessary. In such cases, opting for a lighter and simpler plugin may be a better choice. That said, for certain scenarios, WPML is the best (and sometimes the only) viable option. For example, in multivendor websites, WPML allows vendors to translate their own products—something not possible with other plugins, which typically restrict translation capabilities to admin or translator user roles. With WooCommerce Multilingual, vendor users have easy and straightforward access to translation features, which are segregated to ensure that vendors can only translate their own products. Another aspect that stands out about WPML is their top-notch support. Compared to other plugins, WPML’s support has always been of high quality, timely, and helpful. With some other plugins, I often had to wait much longer for a response, and in some cases, after the initial reply, I wouldn’t receive any follow-up unless I opened a new ticket and referenced the old, unattended one. In contrast, WPML WooCommerce Multilingual consistently follows up on tickets and does their best to assist. I have used WPML on several websites and have been assisted by Dražen multiple times—he always managed to resolve the issues. It is true that you need to choose this plugin for the right use case, but once you do, rest assured that you will receive the support you need.
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