Solar Wizard Lite


If you’re tired of answering the question “how much does it cost to go solar?” day after day, Trusting Solar Calculator is the ideal plugin for your WordPress site.

The problem today is that everyone will tell the consumer How Much They Can Save but not at what COST. This leaves homeowners nervous about whether they can afford to go solar. As a result, many who may be able to afford solar do not complete the Free Quote Form because they don’t want to be on a list and embarrassed when the price is too high.

Trusting Solar Calculator is easy to use for anyone. Simply select your colors, upload a logo, set your incentives, utility rate, and the price you want to sell at high/low for cash, loan, or solar lease purchases. Trusting Solar Calculator Pro offers solar companies the option to add battery storage for residential, commercial solar settings, EV calculations, currency changes, web hooks, customizable email templates, Google API, supports multi language and more!

Zrzuty ekranu

  • General Settings
  • Display Settings
  • Residential Settings
  • Commercial Settings
  • Battery Settings
  • Solar EV
  • Incentive Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Appointment Settings

  • Zip Code Settings

  • Text Configuration

  • Webhook Settings
  • Advanced Settings
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload solar-wizard-lite to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Can I set some of the visuals of the solar wizard?

Yes, you can set the colors for the icons, frame, and text.

Can I change the name and main logo of the wizard?

Available in pro version.

What can we edit on the free version?

You can set residential calculation figures including: featured panel image, manufacture name, panel wattage, average utility rate, rate of utility escalation, price per watt (low & high) you want to sell solar at for cash, loan or leasing.

Do you allow for web hooks?

Available in pro version.

Does the wizard calculate PV storage?

Available in pro version.

Can you have unique experiences for residential and commercial solar installation services?

Yes. Residential comes with the free version. To add commercial, upgrade to pro version.

How do incentives work?

Go to incentives and manually add a row for each product offered. Note that the only place these calculate for the customer are during a cash calculation. You can use percentages or a fixed amount. Solar Wizard recommends solar companies add the ITC tax credit value for residential best practice.

How do you calculate the solar loan?

To make it easy, this is based on a range of monthly savings realized from a customer switching their current utility bill to solar. Solar companies can select a percentage off current bill best-case and worst-case scenario to help the end consumer understand what they may expect when financing a solar system vs. continuing to pay their utility bill.

What if we don’t offer a solar lease?

That setting can be turned off by checking a box in the residential settings.


I bought the license and later on tried I´ve installed the plug-in and despite having the license activated in my web I can´t configure the different tabs. None of them. If I select the upgrade in the dashboard drives me to the buy section in the web despite is already done in my Account profile. Should be easier to configure.
Przeczytaj 13 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Solar Wizard Lite” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian


  • There is a new feature of Zip Code support added in pro version. You can see the featuers disabled in lite version.


  • There are a lot more new features added in pro version. You can see the featuers disabled in lite version.


  • There are a lot more new features added in pro version. You can see the featuers disabled in lite version.


  • There are a lot more new features added in pro version. You can see the featuers disabled in lite version.


  • Fixed bug for wizard type selection active class
  • Fixed warnings on WordPress debug mode on


  • Language support added (Premium Feature)
  • Text can be configured for selected language (Premium Feature)


  • A few Text Changes
  • Responsive fix for medium device
  • Fixed buf for Financial lease value display


  • Changed residential settings to more user friendly
  • Added international currency support
  • Confirm address step removed
  • Office email hours support removed (Availalable in premium version)
  • Email from name and from email input added.
  • You can use custom zun zone hour value if required


  • Phone number can have special characters like „+”, „-”


  • Added table columns for quote table in administrator view
  • Added file upload size limitation and file type validation.
  • Added Net Cost calculation for Cash and Finanace option


  • Updated in view
  • A few word changes
  • Round the value of incentives.


  • Synchronized the version with premium plugin


  • Solved issue of amount slider (Mobile view) on monthly billing value slide


  • Updates in Tabs
  • Final tab communication method changed
  • Email updates in html structure.


  • Updates in Tabs
  • Incentives changed specific to residential and commercial
  • A few view fixes


  • Initial release