Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.

Reported Comments


Reported Comments gives the ability for your sites user to report/flag a comment
It allows you as an administrator or moderator some essential options to specify :
* The moderator Email
* The report labels/types
* The Email title
* The Email template body (allowing HTML)

In the E-Mail title and body you can use shortcodes/modifiers like :
* %comment% : The comment content
* %comment_link% : The URL to the comment
* %comment_author% : The comment author
* %comment_author_email% : The email of the comment author
* %comment_author_link% : The URL to the comment author
* %comment_author_ip% : The IP of the comment author
* %comment_action_trash% : The link to trash the comment
* %comment_action_spam% : The link to spam the comment
* %report_type% : The report type
* %report_author% : The report author
* %report_author_link% : The URL to the report author
* %post% : The post name

Your suggestions are welcome

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Main settings page (under comments)
  • Custom E-Mail template using lots of shortcodes (modifiers)
  • Use the flag to report a comment to send it directly to the moderator E-Mail
  • Example of E-Mail received from the moderator side


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Upload the folder to your site’s wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin in the WordPress Admin Panel
  4. Click on settings to manage the options

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

There are currently no FAQs at this time.


Wtyczka nie ma jeszcze żadnej recenzji.

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Reported Comments” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian


  • The initial published version