Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.



MyOpenID plugin allows you to use your blog as your OpenID identity by delegating it to an external provider such as Symantec PIP or claimID.


  1. Upload myopenid.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Update the settings

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Why not run my own OpenID provider via certain plugins?

Symantec provides free of charge things like multi-factor authentication. It’s also highly reliable and secure. claimID offers similar benefits.

Are you planning to support other OpenID providers?

More providers will be added soon.


Wtyczka nie ma jeszcze żadnej recenzji.

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„MyOpenID” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian

10/04/2013 Version 0.4

  • [feature] Added support for Symantec PIP.
  • [cleanup] Removed myVidoop and myOpenID, which went out of business.

01/20/2009 Version 0.3

  • [cleanup] Minor readme.txt cleanup

01/20/2009 Version 0.2

  • [feature] Added support for myVidoop
  • [feature] Added support for claimID
  • [bug] Fixed incorrect prompt to update settings
  • [security] Added checks for proper permissions
  • [security] Implemented nonce check during form post

01/15/2009 Version 0.1

  • First release. Yay!