CBX Poll plugin helps to create poll system for wordpress with all possible features. CBX Poll is developed thinking all the basic and advance need for a poll system in wordpress eco system. The plugin is developed thinking both user and developer in mind so that it can be customized easily using simple hook and filter system of wordpress.
CBX Poll by Codeboxr
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🛄 Core Plugin Features
- CBX Poll is a custom post type cbxpoll
- Unlimited questions, each question has different color option and text based title, We call it Text Answer
- Pro version has different type of answer type like audio, video etc or this answer type is hackable or hookable
- IP and Cookie checking system to restrict repeated voting for guest
- Guest can not vote changing ip or cookie using same email address
- Grid or List based answer display
- Poll vote user access control
- Poll result user access control
- Poll Expire control
- Single Answer or Multi Answer Vote (Vote selecting multiple answer)
- Poll display system (Text based display in core, more display ways possible using hook)
- Global poll setting
- Individual poll setting
- Shortcode to display single poll
- Shortcode to display poll listing using ajax pagination
- Widget to show a single poll with setting, more widget will come eventually
- The best way to check the features is to use the plugin yourself as it’s free and distributed via wordpress plugin dir, if you don’t like delete and forget.
- We accept your feedback, ask us a feature that it should have, we will implement and release a new version. If the features is not compatible for free version we will add in pro addon which help us to run company.
- Elementor widget support
- Gutenberg block support
- WPBakery widget support
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🀄 Widgets
- Classic Widget
- Elementor support (From v1.1.9)
- WPBackery(VC) Support (From v1.2.0)
🧮 Shortcodes
- Shortcode Format:
[cbxpoll id=""]
💎 CBX Poll Pro Features
👉 Get the pro addon
- Extra answer type: Audio, video, photo, rich content/html content as answer (For every answer type plain answer title and color will be available)
- Gallery system for images. Even audio, video can be set in gallery mode(Good fit for grid view)
- Custom audio, video file for audio and video answer using the wordpress native audio video player
- Social media video like youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud etc are possible with audio, video type post
- Buddypress Integration
- Extra Result display: Twitter Style
- Extra Result display: Pie Chart Style
- Poll result log manager with delete feature
- Guest Vote control
- Guest email verify
- Comment as extra field(optional)
- Guest Name and Guest Email(optional)
- myCred integration for credit user or poll author, myCred setting
- [New] Frontend dashboard for creating poll from frontend with approval and other features.
- You need any more features ? Let us know, we will implement either in free core version or in pro addon.
🧮 Guest user Login Integrations
- WordPress Core Login form (Core)
- Login/register integration with WooCommerce(pro)
- Login/register integration with Restrict Content Pro(pro)
- Login/register integration with bbPress(pro)
- Login/register integration with BuddyPress(pro)
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🔩 Installation
- [WordPress has clear documentation about how to install a plugin].(https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins)
- After install activate the plugin „CBX Poll” through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- You’ll now see a menu called „CBX Poll” in left menu, start from there, check the setting menu of CBX Poll then create a new poll
- Use shortcode or widget as you need.
- If need try our proaddon for extra features
Zrzuty ekranu
Wtyczka dodaje 1 blok.
- CBX Poll
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Is it possible to restrict any user group from voting ?
yes, there is setting in every poll to set which user groups can vote .
Is it possible to enable a poll always ?
yes, there is option in every poll ,a checkbox called never expires ,check this if you want to enable a poll always
Where is poll description ?
Poll post type content is poll description.
Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„CBX Poll” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
ZaangażowaniPrzetłumacz wtyczkę “CBX Poll” na swój język.
Interesuje cię rozwój wtyczki?
Przeglądaj kod, sprawdź repozytorium SVN lub czytaj dziennik rozwoju przez RSS.
Rejestr zmian
- [improvement] WordPress 5.9 compatibility check
- [proaddon] New version of pro addon(V1.1.7) released
- [bug fix] Fixed buddypress posting issues
- [bug fix] Buddyboss compatibility fixed
- [improvement] Guest login form display improved
- [proaddon] New version of pro addon released
- [improvement] Guest login form display logic fixed and improved
- [proaddon] New version of pro addon released
- [new] New setting field for poll details slug, default 'cbxpoll’
- [new] New setting field for poll archive slug, default 'cbxpoll’
- [new] Login/register integration with WordPress Core, other ways using pro addon
- [improvement] Other minor improvements
- [fixed] Session related issues fixed, pro addon needs to use the latest version or version 1.1.3 or later
- [improvement] Lots of improvement in admin ui and frontend views
- [fixed] Gutenberg block register compatibility fix for old sites
- [added] WPBakery widget added for single poll display
- [updated] Backend Style improved
- [fixed] Elementor widget for Single poll display
- [updated] Classic widget updated
- [added] Gutenberg Block added for Single poll display
- [Bug fix] Setting api js update for checkbox toggle fix
- [New] Added Elementor widget for Single poll display
- [Buf fix] Poll listing bug fix, when there is no poll it was showing php error
- [Improvement] Improved Header already sent issue related with session.
- [Buf fix] Poll result display style fix in some situation
- [Buf fix] Is voted or not bug fix, in some condition this was not working. PRo addon should be updated for this compatibility
- Othe minor improvement
- [Buf fix] Shortcode 'cbxpolls’ pagination bug fix
- [New] Shortcode 'cbxpolls’ now have extra parameter 'user_id’ to show polls for a user
- Some minor bug fix and improvements
- Pro addon updates for buddyPress integration
- [New] Delete plugin data on uninstall – new setting
- [New] Reset plugin data which helps to start again with fresh plugin setting – new setting
- Minor bug fix and improvmenet
- [Bug fix] Setting api multi checkout field fixed for non optgroup layout
- Removed field „Show result to all” as this was practically making problem for usability
- Few default values are set from 0 to 1 for global setting or form setting to give better user experience after activate the plugin [first time]
- [Improvement] Minor bug fix and improvement
- [New] On user deleted user votes are deleted and synced
- [New] New helper method to get all votes by user id with various filters