

Enter the fediverse with ActivityPub, broadcasting your blog to a wider audience! Attract followers, deliver updates, and receive comments from a diverse user base of ActivityPub-compliant platforms.

With the ActivityPub plugin installed, your WordPress blog itself function as a federated profile, along with profiles for each author. For instance, if your website is, then the blog-wide profile can be found at, and authors like Jane and Bob would have their individual profiles at and, respectively.

An example: I give you my Mastodon profile name: You search, see my profile, and hit follow. Now, any post I make appears in your Home feed. Similarly, with the ActivityPub plugin, you can find and follow Jane’s profile at

Once you follow Jane’s profile, any blog post she crafts on will land in your Home feed. Simultaneously, by following the blog-wide profile, you’ll receive updates from all authors.

Note: if no one follows your author or blog instance, your posts remain unseen. The simplest method to verify the plugin’s operation is by following your profile. If you possess a Mastodon profile, initiate by following your new one.

The plugin works with the following tested federated platforms, but there may be more that it works with as well:

Some things to note:

  1. The blog-wide profile is only compatible with sites with rewrite rules enabled. If your site does not have rewrite rules enabled, the author-specific profiles may still work.
  2. Many single-author blogs have chosen to turn off or redirect their author profile pages, usually via an SEO plugin like Yoast or Rank Math. This is usually done to avoid duplicate content with your blog’s home page. If your author page has been deactivated in this way, then ActivityPub author profiles won’t work for you. Instead, you can turn your author profile page back on, and then use the option in your SEO plugin to noindex the author page. This will still resolve duplicate content issues with search engines and will enable ActivityPub author profiles to work.
  3. Once ActivityPub is installed, only new posts going forward will be available in the fediverse. Likewise, even if you’ve been using ActivityPub for a while, anyone who follows your site, will only see new posts you publish from that moment on. They will never see previously-published posts in their Home feed. This process is very similar to subscribing to a newsletter. If you subscribe to a newsletter, you will only receive future emails, but not the old archived ones. With ActivityPub, if someone follows your site, they will only receive new blog posts you publish from then on.

So what’s the process?

  1. Install the ActivityPub plugin.
  2. Go to the plugin’s settings page and adjust the settings to your liking. Click the Save button when ready.
  3. Make sure your blog’s author profile page is active if you are using author profiles.
  4. Go to Mastodon or any other federated platform, and search for your profile, and follow it. Your new profile will be in the form of either or, so that is what you’ll search for.
  5. On your blog, publish a new post.
  6. From Mastodon, check to see if the new post appears in your Home feed.

Please note that it may take up to 15 minutes or so for the new post to show up in your federated feed. This is because the messages are sent to the federated platforms using a delayed cron. This avoids breaking the publishing process for those cases where users might have lots of followers. So please don’t assume that just because you didn’t see it show up right away that something is broken. Give it some time. In most cases, it will show up within a few minutes, and you’ll know everything is working as expected.


Wtyczka dodaje 2 bloki.

  • Follow me on the Fediverse Display your Fediverse profile so that visitors can follow you.
  • Fediverse Followers Display your followers from the Fediverse on your website.


Follow the normal instructions for installing WordPress plugins.

Automatic Plugin Installation

To add a WordPress Plugin using the built-in plugin installer:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Type „activitypub” into the Search Plugins box.
  3. Find the WordPress Plugin you wish to install.
    1. Click Details for more information about the Plugin and instructions you may wish to print or save to help setup the Plugin.
    2. Click Install Now to install the WordPress Plugin.
  4. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
  5. If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

Manual Plugin Installation

There are a few cases when manually installing a WordPress Plugin is appropriate.

  • If you wish to control the placement and the process of installing a WordPress Plugin.
  • If your server does not permit automatic installation of a WordPress Plugin.
  • If you want to try the latest development version.

Installation of a WordPress Plugin manually requires FTP familiarity and the awareness that you may put your site at risk if you install a WordPress Plugin incompatible with the current version or from an unreliable source.

Backup your site completely before proceeding.

To install a WordPress Plugin manually:

  • Download your WordPress Plugin to your desktop.
  • If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Plugin folder to your desktop.
  • With your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
  • Go to Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Plugin in the list.
  • Click Activate to activate it.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania


This plugin connects your WordPress blog to popular social platforms like Mastodon, making your posts more accessible to a wider audience. Once installed, your blog can be followed by users on these platforms, allowing them to receive your new posts in their feeds.

What is the status of this plugin?


  • blog profile pages (JSON representation)
  • author profile pages (JSON representation)
  • custom links
  • functional inbox/outbox
  • follow (accept follows)
  • share posts
  • receive comments/reactions
  • signature verification
  • threaded comments support

To implement:

  • replace shortcodes with blocks for layout

What is „ActivityPub for WordPress”

ActivityPub for WordPress extends WordPress with some Fediverse features, but it does not compete with platforms like Friendica or Mastodon. If you want to run a decentralized social network, please use Mastodon or GNU social.

What if you are running your blog in a subdirectory?

In order for webfinger to work, it must be mapped to the root directory of the URL on which your blog resides.


Add the following to the .htaccess file in the root directory:

RedirectMatch "^\/\.well-known/(webfinger|nodeinfo|x-nodeinfo2)(.*)$" /blog/.well-known/$1$2

Where 'blog’ is the path to the subdirectory at which your blog resides.


Add the following to the site.conf in sites-available:

location ~* /.well-known {
    allow all;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /blog/?$args;

Where 'blog’ is the path to the subdirectory at which your blog resides.

What if you are running your blog in a subdirectory, but have a different [wp_siteurl](

In that case you don’t need the redirect, because the index.php will take care of that.


The plugin uses PHP Constants to enable, disable or change its default behaviour. Please use them with caution and only if you know what you are doing.

  • ACTIVITYPUB_REST_NAMESPACE – Change the default Namespace of the REST endpoint. Default: activitypub/1.0.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_EXCERPT_LENGTH – Change the length of the Excerpt. Default: 400.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SHOW_PLUGIN_RECOMMENDATIONS – show plugin recommendations in the ActivityPub settings. Default: true.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS – Change the number of attachments, that should be federated. Default: 3.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_HASHTAGS_REGEXP – Change the default regex to detect hashtext in a text. Default: (?:(?<=\s)|(?<=<p>)|(?<=<br>)|^)#([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(?:(?=\s|[[:punct:]]|$)).
  • ACTIVITYPUB_USERNAME_REGEXP – Change the default regex to detect @-replies in a text. Default: (?:([A-Za-z0-9\._-]+)@((?:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]+)).
  • ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT – Change the default template for Activities. Default: <strong>[ap_title]</strong>\n\n[ap_content]\n\n[ap_hashtags]\n\n[ap_shortlink].
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_REWRITES – Disable auto generation of mod_rewrite rules. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_INCOMING_INTERACTIONS – Block incoming replies/comments/likes. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_DISABLE_OUTGOING_INTERACTIONS – Disable outgoing replies/comments/likes. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SHARED_INBOX_FEATURE – Enable the shared inbox. Default: false.
  • ACTIVITYPUB_SEND_VARY_HEADER – Enable to send the Vary: Accept header. Default: false.

Where can you manage your followers?

If you have activated the blog user, you will find the list of his followers in the settings under /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=activitypub&tab=followers.

The followers of a user can be found in the menu under „Users” -> „Followers” or under wp-admin/users.php?page=activitypub-followers-list.

For reasons of data protection, it is not possible to see the followers of other users.


I was an early(ish) adopter of the plugin when I first learned of it. I installed it on a couple of self-hosted sites that I wanted to officially federate, and now I am at the point where every site I have has Activitypub installed.
The next great social network is just the Web. This plugin is the most important feature in WordPress. It enables over 40% of the entire Web to directly own their social profiles, relationships with their audiences, and distribution. I look forward to the continued iteration of this plugin. Each release brings new features that lessen the need for creators to have a separate Mastodon account.
Love this plugin. Recent updates with threaded comments and now federated replies are just excellent - keeping the plugin moving in exactly the right direction. It's reinvigorated my interest in blogging! Hoping that some kind of support for displaying likes and boosts will come in the future, but otherwise it's getting to feel very complete.
Version 2.0 takes this plugin from "good" to "amazing," with full reply federation, which means: 1: You post.2: Someone sees your post on, say, Mastodon, and replies to it, and that reply shows up in your comments on Wordpress.3: You reply to their comment from wordpress...4: ...and they see it back on Mastodon, in their timeline, like any other Mastodon reply. You can even tag Federation people into discussions in replies, the same way you'd tag in anyone else. (By mentioning them with their full account - @ user @ instance - like you would normally.) Depending upon what you want out of federated social media, this means Wordpress could be your only Federation portal... and you'd be fine.This is a big deal.
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Rejestr zmian


  • Added: Mark links as „unhandled-link” and „status-link”, for a better UX in the Mastodon App
  • Added: Enable-Mastodon-Apps: Provide followers
  • Added: Enable-Mastodon-Apps: Extend account with ActivityPub data
  • Added: Enable-Mastodon-Apps: Search in followers
  • Added: Add alt support for images (for Block and Classic-Editor)
  • Fixed: Counter for system users outbox
  • Fixed: Don’t set a default actor type in the actor class
  • Fixed: Outbox collection for blog and application user
  • Changed: A better default content handling based on the Object Type
  • Changed: Improve User management
  • Changed: Federated replies: Improved UX for „your reply will federate”
  • Changed: Comment reply federation: support is_single_user sites
  • Changed: Mask WordPress version number
  • Changed: Improve remote reply handling
  • Changed: Remote Reply: limit enqueue to when needed
  • Changed: Abstract shared Dialog code


  • Added: Remote-Reply lightbox
  • Added: Support application/ld+json mime-type with AP profile in WebFinger
  • Fixed: Prevent scheduler overload

See full Changelog on GitHub.