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Style variations (2)

  • Wersja 0.9.6
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 2024-07-29
  • Aktywne instalacje 90+
  • Wersja WordPress 6.0
  • Wersja PHP 5.7

DualTone is a two column layout blog with sticky sidebar on the left, as a tribute to b2/cafelog, the origins of WordPress more than 21 years ago, which is also a two column layout blog. It features a content wide page template for legal text, a blank template for creating any type of content layout and several custom block style variations. With a simple and clean design, it lets your readers focus on your content. Includes two theme styles, one bright (the default one) and the other dark (the futuristic dark style).


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Aktywne instalacje: 90+


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Dostępne tłumaczenia motywu: English (US).

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