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    Okazalo sie ze bylo to spowodowane zla konfiguracja skorki pagelines.

    Thread Starter compann


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     * PageLines Posts Handling
     * @package     PageLines Framework
     * @subpackage  Posts
     * @since       2.0.b2
    class PageLinesPosts {
    	var $tabs = array();
    	/** PHP5 constructor */
    	function __construct( ) {
    		global $pagelines_layout;
    		global $post;
    		global $wp_query;
    		$this->count = 1;  // Used to get the number of the post as we loop through them.
    		$this->clipcount = 1; // The number of clips in a row
    		$this->post_count = $wp_query->post_count;  // Used to prevent markup issues when there aren't an even # of posts.
    		$this->paged = intval(get_query_var('paged')); // Control output if on a paginated page
    		$this->thumb_space = get_option('thumbnail_size_w') + 33; // Space for thumb with padding
    		$this->continue_reading = apply_filters('continue_reading_link_text', load_pagelines_option('continue_reading_text', __('[Continue Reading...]', 'pagelines')));
    		add_filter('pagelines_post_metabar', 'do_shortcode', 20);
    		if( has_action( 'add_social_under_meta' ) || ploption( 'share_under_meta' ) )
    			add_filter( 'pagelines_post_metabar', array( &$this,'add_social_share' ), 10, 2 );
    		if( has_action( 'add_social_under_excerpt' ) )
    			add_filter( 'pagelines_post_header', array( &$this,'add_social' ), 10, 2 );
         * Add Social Share
         * Adds the information from the ShareBar Section to the input information and returns it
         * @uses    section PageLinesShareBar
         * #uses    get_shares from PageLinesShareBar class
         * @param   $input
         * @param   $format
         * @return  string
    	function add_social_share( $input, $format ){
    		if ( ! class_exists( 'PageLinesShareBar' ) || $format == 'clip' )
    			return $input;
    		global $post;
    		$share = PageLinesShareBar::get_shares();
    		$meta_share = sprintf( '<div class="meta-share">%s</div>', $share );
    		return $input.$meta_share;
         * Add Social
         * Adds Facebook and Twitter sharing options with details relevant to the post
         * @uses    section PageLinesShareBar
         * @uses    facebook from PageLinesShareBar class
         * @uses    twitter from PageLinesShareBar class
         * @param $input
         * @param $format
         * @return string
    	function add_social($input, $format){
    		if ( ! class_exists( 'PageLinesShareBar' ) || $format == 'clip' )
    			return $input;
    		global $post;
    		$args = array( 'permalink' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), 'width'=>'50', 'title' => wp_strip_all_tags( get_the_title( $post->ID ) ) );
    		$share = PageLinesShareBar::facebook( $args );
    		$share .= PageLinesShareBar::twitter( $args );
    		$meta_share = sprintf( '<div class="meta-share">%s</div>', $share );
    		return $input.$meta_share;
         * Load Loop
    	 * Loads the content using WP's standard output functions, if no posts exists the framework's 404 page is loaded instead.
         * @uses    get_article
         * @uses    posts_404
    	 * @since   2.0.0
    	function load_loop(){
    		if( have_posts() )
    			while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();  $this->get_article(); endwhile;
         * Get Article
         * Builds the post being displayed by the load_loop function adding clip formatting as required as well as relevant post classes
         * @uses    pagelines_show_clip
         * @uses    post_header
         * @uses    post_entry
         * @internal uses filter 'pagelines_get_article_post_classes'
         * @internal uses filter 'pageliens_get_article_output'
    	function get_article(){
    		global $wp_query;
    		global $post;
    		/* clip handling */
    		$clip = ( $this->pagelines_show_clip( $this->count, $this->paged ) ) ? true : false;
    		$format = ( $clip ) ? 'clip' : 'feature';
    		$clip_row_start = ( $this->clipcount % 2 == 0 ) ? true : false;
    		$clip_right = ( ( $this->clipcount+1 ) % 2 == 0 ) ? true : false;
    		$clip_row_end = ( $clip_right || $this->count == $this->post_count ) ? true : false;
    		$post_type_class = ( $clip ) ? ( $clip_right ? 'clip clip-right' : 'clip' ) : 'fpost';
    		$pagelines_post_classes = apply_filters( 'pagelines_get_article_post_classes', sprintf( '%s post-number-%s', $post_type_class, $this->count ) );
    		$post_classes = join( ' ', get_post_class( $pagelines_post_classes ) );
    		$wrap_start = ( $clip && $clip_row_start ) ? sprintf( '<div class="clip_box fix">' ) : '';
    		$wrap_end = ( $clip && $clip_row_end ) ? sprintf( '</div>' ) : '';
    		$post_args = array(
    			'header'		=> $this->post_header( $format ),
    			'entry'			=> $this->post_entry(),
    			'classes'		=> $post_classes,
    			'pad-class'		=> ( $clip ) ? 'hentry-pad blocks' : 'hentry-pad',
    			'wrap-start'	=> $wrap_start,
    			'wrap-end'		=> $wrap_end,
    			'format'		=> $format,
    			'count'			=> $this->count
    		$post_args['markup-start'] = sprintf(
    			'%s<article class="%s" id="post-%s"><div class="%s">',
    		$post_args['markup-end'] = sprintf(
    		$original = join(array(
    		echo apply_filters( 'pagelines_get_article_output', $original, $post, $post_args );
    		// Count the clips
    		if( $clip )
    		// Count the posts
         * Post Entry
         * @uses    pagelines_show_content
         * @internal uses filter 'pagelines_post_entry'
         * @return  mixed|string|void
    	function post_entry(){
    		$id = get_the_ID();
    		if( $this->pagelines_show_content( $id ) ){
    			$excerpt_mode = ploption( 'excerpt_mode_full' );
    			if( ( $excerpt_mode == 'left-excerpt' || $excerpt_mode == 'right-excerpt' ) && is_single() && $this->pagelines_show_thumb( $id ) )
    				$thumb = $this->post_thumbnail_markup( $excerpt_mode );
    				$thumb = '';
    			$post_entry = sprintf( '<div class="entry_wrap fix"><div class="entry_content">%s%s</div></div>', $thumb, $this->post_content() );
    			return apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_entry', $post_entry );
    		} else
    			return '';
         * Post Content
         * Captures the post content wrapped in 'pageslines_loop_*_post_content' hooks and returns it
         * @uses    pageslines_register_hook
         * @uses    pledit
         * @return  string - the content
    	function post_content(){
    			pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_before_post_content', 'theloop' ); // Hook
    		//	global  $post;
    			$content = get_the_content( $this->continue_reading );
    			$content .= pledit( get_the_ID() );
    			echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
    			if( is_single() || is_page() ){
    				$pgn = array(
    					'before' 			=> __( "<div class='pagination'><span class='desc'>pages:</span><ul>", 'pagelines' ),
    					'after' 			=> '</ul></div>',
    					'link_before'		=> '<span class="pg">',
    					'link_after'		=> '</span>'
    				wp_link_pages( $pgn );
    			if ( is_single() && get_the_tags() )
    					'<div class="p tags">%s&nbsp;</div>',
    						__( "<span class='note'>Tagged with &rarr;</span> ", 'pagelines' ),
    						' &bull; ',
    			pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_after_post_content', 'theloop' ); // Hook
    		$the_content = ob_get_clean();
    		return $the_content;
         * Post Header
         * Creates the post header information adding classes as required for clipped format and thumbnails images as required
         * @param   string $format
         * @uses    pagelines_get_post_metabar
         * @uses    pagelines_get_post_title
         * @uses    pagelines_show_content
         * @uses    pagelines_show_excerpt
         * @uses    pagelines_show_thumb
         * @uses    ploption() for excerpt mode
         * @uses    post_excerpt_markup
         * @uses    post_thumbnail_markup
         * @internal uses filter 'pagelines_post_header'
         * @return  mixed|string|void
    	function post_header( $format = '' ){
    		if( $this->show_post_header() ){
    			global $post;
    			$id = get_the_ID();
    			$excerpt_mode = ( $format == 'clip' ) ? ploption( 'excerpt_mode_clip' ) : ploption( 'excerpt_mode_full' );
    			$thumb = ( $this->pagelines_show_thumb( $id ) ) ? $this->post_thumbnail_markup( $excerpt_mode, $format ) : '';
    			$excerpt_thumb = ( $thumb && ( $excerpt_mode == 'left-excerpt' || $excerpt_mode == 'right-excerpt' ) ) ? '' : $thumb;
    			$excerpt = ( $this->pagelines_show_excerpt( $id ) ) ? $this->post_excerpt_markup( $excerpt_mode, $excerpt_thumb ) : '';
    			$classes = 'post-meta fix ';
    			$classes .= ( ! $this->pagelines_show_thumb( $id ) ) ? 'post-nothumb ' : '';
    			$classes .= ( ! $this->pagelines_show_content( $id ) ) ? 'post-nocontent ' : '';
    			$title = sprintf( '<section class="bd post-title-section fix"><hgroup class="post-title fix">%s</hgroup>%s</section>', $this->pagelines_get_post_title( $format ), $this->pagelines_get_post_metabar( $format ) );
    			if( ( $excerpt_mode == 'left-excerpt' || $excerpt_mode == 'right-excerpt' ) && ! is_single() )
    				$post_header = sprintf( '<section class="%s"><section class="bd post-header fix" >%s %s%s</section></section>', $classes, $title, $thumb, $excerpt );
    			elseif( $excerpt_mode == 'top' )
    				$post_header = sprintf( '<section class="%s">%s<section class="bd post-header fix" >%s %s</section></section>',$classes, $thumb, $title, $excerpt );
    			elseif( $excerpt_mode == 'left' )
    				$post_header = sprintf( '<section class="%s media">%s<section class="bd post-header fix" >%s %s</section></section>', $classes, $thumb, $title, $excerpt );
    				$post_header = sprintf( '<section class="%s">%s<section class="bd post-header fix" >%s %s</section></section>',$classes, '', $title, $excerpt );
    			return apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_header', $post_header, $format );
    		} else
    			return '';
    	 * Determines if the post title area should be shown
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @return bool True if the title area should be shown
    	function show_post_header( ) {
    		if( !is_page() || (is_page() && ploption('pagetitles')) )
    			return true;
    			return false;
    	 * Get post excerpt and markup
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @return string the excerpt markup
    	function post_excerpt_markup( $mode = '', $thumbnail = '' ) {
    		pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_before_excerpt', 'theloop' ); // Hook
    		if($mode == 'left-excerpt' || $mode == 'right-excerpt')
    			printf( '<aside class="post-excerpt">%s %s</aside>', $thumbnail, get_the_excerpt() );
    			printf( '<aside class="post-excerpt">%s</aside>', get_the_excerpt() );
    		if(pagelines_is_posts_page() && !$this->pagelines_show_content( get_the_ID() )) // 'Continue Reading' link
    			echo $this->get_continue_reading_link( get_the_ID() );
    		pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_after_excerpt', 'theloop' ); // Hook
    		$pagelines_excerpt = ob_get_clean();
    		return apply_filters('pagelines_excerpt', $pagelines_excerpt);
         * Post Thumbnail Markup
         * Get post thumbnail and markup
         * @since   2.0.0
         * @param   string $mode - right, left, or top
         * @param   string $format - ...
         * @param   string $frame - not used
         * @return  string - the thumbnail markup
         * @version 2.2 - fixed image size when thumbnail is displayed on top of excerpt
         * @todo review if top displayed image should be centered above post, or remain left aligned
    	function post_thumbnail_markup( $mode = '', $format = '', $frame = '' ) {
    		$thumb_width = get_option( 'thumbnail_size_w' );
    		$classes = 'post-thumb img fix';
    		$percent_width  = ( $mode == 'top' ) ? 100 : 25;
            $style = ( 'top' == $mode ) ? 'width: 100%' : sprintf( 'width: %s%%; max-width: %spx', apply_filters( 'pagelines_thumb_width', $percent_width ), $thumb_width );
    		if ( $mode == 'left-excerpt' )
    			$classes .= ' alignleft';
    		elseif ( $mode == 'right-excerpt' )
    			$classes .= ' alignright';
            /** By default image will left align, explicitly adding this class for 'top' == $mode is not needed at this time.
             * elseif ( $mode == 'top' ) $classes .= ' left';
    		global $post;
    		$img = ( $mode == 'top' ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail( null, 'large' ) : get_the_post_thumbnail( null, 'thumbnail' );
    		$the_image = sprintf( '<span class="c_img">%s</span>', $img );
    		$thumb_link = sprintf( '<a class="%s" href="%s" rel="bookmark" title="%s %s" style="%s">%s</a>', $classes, get_permalink( $post ), __( 'Link To', 'pagelines' ), the_title_attribute( array( 'echo' => false ) ), $style, $the_image );
            $output = ( 'top' == $mode ) ? sprintf( '<div class="full_img fix">%s</div>', $thumb_link ) : $thumb_link;
    		return apply_filters( 'pagelines_thumb_markup', $output, $mode, $format );
    	 * Adds the metabar or byline under the post title
    	 * @since 1.1.0
    	function pagelines_get_post_metabar( $format = '' ) {
    		$metabar = '';
    		$before = '<em>';
    		$after = '</em>';
    		if ( is_page() )
    			return; // don't do post-info on pages
    		if( $format == 'clip'){
    			$metabar = ( pagelines_option( 'metabar_clip' ) )
    				? $before . pagelines_option( 'metabar_clip' ) . $after
    				: sprintf( '%s%s [post_date] %s [post_author_posts_link] [post_edit]%s', $before, __('On','pagelines'), __('By','pagelines'), $after );
    		} else {
    			$metabar = ( pagelines_option( 'metabar_standard' ) )
    				? $before . pagelines_option( 'metabar_standard' ) . $after
    				: sprintf( '%s%s [post_author_posts_link] %s [post_date] &middot; [post_comments] &middot; %s [post_categories] [post_edit]%s', $before, __('By','pagelines'), __('On','pagelines'), __('In','pagelines'), $after);
    		return sprintf( '<div class="metabar"><div class="metabar-pad">%s</div></div>', apply_filters('pagelines_post_metabar', $metabar, $format) );
         * PageLines Get Post Title
         * Gets the post title for all posts
         * @package     PageLines Framework
         * @subpackage  Functions Library
         * @since       1.1.0
         * @param       string $format
         * @uses        pagelines_option( 'pagetitles' )
         * @uses        get_the_title - default WordPress post title text
         * @internal    adds filter 'pagelines_post_title_text'
         * @internal    adds filter 'pagelines_post_title_output'
         * @return      string - (new) Post $title
    	function pagelines_get_post_title( $format = '' ){
    		global $post;
    		global $pagelines_ID;
    		/** Check if page and show page title option is set to true */
            if( is_page() && pagelines_option('pagetitles') && ! has_filter( "pagelines_no_page_title_{$pagelines_ID}" ) ) {
    			$title = sprintf( '<h1 class="entry-title pagetitle">%s</h1>', apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_title_text', get_the_title() ) );
    		} elseif(!is_page()) {
    			if ( is_singular() )
    				$title = sprintf( '<h1 class="entry-title">%s</h1>', apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_title_text', get_the_title() ) );
    			elseif( $format == 'clip')
    				$title = sprintf( '<h4 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a></h4>', get_permalink( $post ), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_title_text', get_the_title() ) );
    				$title = sprintf( '<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" title="%s" rel="bookmark">%s</a></h2>', get_permalink( $post ), the_title_attribute('echo=0'), apply_filters( 'pagelines_post_title_text', get_the_title() ) );
    		} else {$title = '';}
    		return apply_filters('pagelines_post_title_output', $title) . "\n";
    	 *  Gets the continue reading link after excerpts
    	 *  @package PageLines Framework
    	 *  @subpackage Functions Library
    	 *  @since 1.3.0
    	function get_continue_reading_link($post_id){
    		$link = sprintf(
    			'<a class="continue_reading_link" href="%s" title="%s %s">%s</a>',
    			__("View", 'pagelines'),
    			the_title_attribute(array('echo'=> 0)),
    		return apply_filters('continue_reading_link', $link);
    	* @TODO document
    	function pagelines_show_thumb($post = null, $location = null){
    		 if( function_exists('the_post_thumbnail') && has_post_thumbnail($post) ){
    			// For Hook Parsing
    			if( is_admin() || ! get_option(PAGELINES_SETTINGS) ) return true;
    			if( $location == 'clip' && ploption('thumb_clip') ) return true;
    			if( !isset($location) ){
    				// Thumb Page
    				if( is_single() && ploption('thumb_single') ) return true;
    				// Blog Page
    				elseif( is_home() && ploption('thumb_blog') ) return true;
    				// Search Page
    				elseif( is_search() && ploption('thumb_search') ) return true;
    				// Category Page
    				elseif( is_category() && ! is_date() && ploption('thumb_category') ) return true;
    				// Archive Page
    				elseif( ! is_category() && is_archive() && ploption('thumb_archive') ) return true;
    				else return false;
    			} else return false;
    		} else return false;
    	* @TODO document
    	function pagelines_show_excerpt( $post = null ){
    			if( is_page() )
    				return false;
    			// Thumb Page
    			if( is_single() && ploption('excerpt_single') )
    				return true;
    			// Blog Page
    			elseif( is_home() && ploption('excerpt_blog') )
    				return true;
    			// Search Page
    			elseif( is_search() && ploption('excerpt_search') )
    				return true;
    			// Category Page
    			elseif( is_category() && ! is_date() && ploption('excerpt_category') )
    				return true;
    			// Archive Page
    			elseif( ! is_category() && is_archive() && ploption('excerpt_archive') )
    				return true;
    				return false;
    	* @TODO document
    	function pagelines_show_content($post = null){
    			// For Hook Parsing
    			if( is_admin() )
    				return true;
    			// show on single post pages only
    			if( is_page() || is_single() )
    				return true;
    			// Blog Page
    			elseif( is_home() && ploption('content_blog') )
    				return true;
    			// Search Page
    			elseif( is_search() && ploption('content_search') )
    				return true;
    			// Category Page
    			elseif( is_category() && ploption('content_category') )
    				return true;
    			// Archive Page
    			elseif( ! is_category() && is_archive() && ploption('content_archive') )
    				return true;
    				return false;
    		Show clip or full width post
    	function pagelines_show_clip($count, $paged){
    			return false;
    		$archives = apply_filters( 'pagelines_full_width_archives', false );
    		if( ( is_home() || $archives ) && ploption('blog_layout_mode') == 'magazine' && $count <= ploption('full_column_posts') && $paged == 0)
    			return false;
    		elseif(ploption('blog_layout_mode') != 'magazine')
    			return false;
    		elseif(is_page() || is_single())
    			return false;
    			return true;
    	* @TODO document
    	function posts_404(){
    		$head = ( is_search() ) ? sprintf(__('No results for &quot;%s&quot;', 'pagelines'), get_search_query()) : __('Nothing Found', 'pagelines');
    		$subhead = ( is_search() ) ? __('Try another search?', 'pagelines') : __("Sorry, what you are looking for isn't here.", 'pagelines');
    		$the_text = sprintf('<h2 class="center">%s</h2><p class="subhead center">%s</p>', $head, $subhead);
    			printf( '<section class="billboard">%s <div class="center fix">%s</div></section>', apply_filters('pagelines_posts_404', $the_text), pagelines_search_form( false ));
    /* ------- END OF CLASS -------- */

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