WordPress Popular Posts, Komunikat: Sorry. No data so far.
Zainstalowałem tą wtyczkę na swoim blogu. Lecz niestety wyskakuje mi komunikat: Sorry. No data so far.
Jak pisze w FAQ pluginu:I’m getting „Sorry. No data so far”. What’s up with that? There are a number of reasons that might explain why you are seeing this message: WordPress Popular Posts won’t count views generated by logged in users (if your blog requires readers to be logged in to access its contents, this tutorial is for you); your current theme does not have the wp_header() tag in its <head> section, required by my plugin to keep track of what your visitors are viewing on your site; no one has seen your posts/pages since WordPress Popular Posts activation, you should give it some time. WordPress Popular Posts works based on views, mainly. Whenever a post gets a view, WPP will register it on its cache table. Only those posts registered by my plugin will be listed. It doesn’t really make much difference if a post has got a lot of comments or not if it hasn’t been cached by my plugin – it still needs to be viewed by someone/people in order to rank as popular.
Nie wiem, czy dobrze rozumiem, muszę czekać aż plugin zapisze nowe wejścia użytkowników?
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