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    Witam mam potworny problem z wyświetlaniem opisu autora, a mianowicie raz pojawia się opis a raz nie. Odświeżam stronę i opis się pojawia odświeżam drugi raz i znika. Nie mam pojęcia jak to ugryźć. Początek strony author.php dalej wykonuje się poentla z postami. kiedy wywołuje short codem moduł biography dzieje się identycznie jak z moim kodem

    get_header(); ?>
    	<section id="primary" class="site-content">
    		<div id="content" role="main">
    		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    				/* Queue the first post, that way we know
    				 * what author we're dealing with (if that is the case).
    				 * We reset this later so we can run the loop
    				 * properly with a call to rewind_posts().
    				/* Since we called the_post() above, we need to
    				 * rewind the loop back to the beginning that way
    				 * we can run the loop properly, in full.
    			<?php /*mojabizuteria_content_nav( 'nav-above' );*/ ?>
    			// If a user has filled out their description, show a bio on their entries.
    			if ( get_the_author_meta( 'description' ) ) : ?>
    			<div class="author-header">
    <h2 class="author-title"><?php printf( get_the_author() ); ?></h2>
    <div id="biografia">
    			<div class="author-info">
    			<div class="author-avatar">
    					<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), apply_filters( 'mojabizuteria_author_bio_avatar_size', 250 ) ); ?>
    				</div><!-- .author-avatar -->
    				<div class="author-description">
    					<p><?php the_author_meta( 'description' ); ?></p>
    						// Check if there is any contact info
    						if (get_the_author_meta('googleplus') || get_the_author_meta( 'email' ) || get_the_author_meta( 'user_url' ) || get_the_author_meta('facebook') || get_the_author_meta('twitter') || get_the_author_meta('linkedin')):
    						<?php endif; ?>
                  // EMAIL
                  if (get_the_author_meta('email')): ?>
                  <a href="mailto:<?php the_author_meta('email'); ?>" title"<?php printf( __( 'Email'), get_the_author() ); ?>" class="social_link email" target="_blank" rel="me" itemprop="url"><?php printf( __( '<img src="'.$wp_url.'/wp-includes/images/social/32/email.png" />' )); ?></a>
                  <?php endif; ?>

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Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
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