Problem z css, błąd syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting ')'
Pomocy! Coś namieszałam w tym stylu, gdzieś w tej sekcji:
$navigation_option_map = array(
'menu_button’ => array(
'setting_type’ => null,
'control’ => 'TC_controls’ ,
'section’ => 'nav’ ,
'type’ => 'button’ ,
'link’ => 'nav-menus.php’ ,
'buttontext’ => __( 'Manage menus’ , 'customizr’ ),
//The hover menu type has been introduced in v3.1.0.
//For users already using the theme (no theme’s option set), the default choice is click, for new users, it is hover.
'tc_theme_options[tc_menu_type]’ => array(
'default’ => TC_utils::$instance -> tc_user_started_before_version( '3.1.0′ , '1.0.0′ ) ? 'click’ : 'hover’,
'control’ => 'TC_controls’ ,
'title’ => __( 'Design and effects’ , 'customizr’),
'label’ => __( 'Select a submenu expansion option’ , 'customizr’ ),
'section’ => 'nav’ ,
'type’ => 'select’ ,
'choices’ => array(
'click’ => __( 'Expand submenus on click’ , 'customizr’ ),
'hover’ => __( 'Expand submenus on hover’ , 'customizr’ ),
);//end of navigation options
$navigation_option_map = apply_filters( 'tc_navigation_option_map’, $navigation_option_map , $get_default );Wiem, że gdzieś w 389 linijce nie wstawiłam , albo ; ..ale patrzę jak sroka w gnat, próbuję i nic. Ktoś mnie olśni?
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