<?php do_action( 'rt_content_after’); ?>
</div><!– / end div .content_area –>
# footer output
# get templates footer content outputs
# @hooked in /rt-framework/functions/theme_functions.php
do_action( 'rt_footer_output’);
</div><!– / end div .content_second_background –>
</div><!– / end div .content_holder –>
</div><!– end div #container –>
<!– footer –>
<footer id=”footer”>
<!– footer info –>
<div class=”footer_info”>
<!– left side –>
<div class=”part1″>
<!– footer nav –>
<?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'rt-theme-footer-navigation’ ) ): // check if user created a custom menu and assinged to the rt-theme’s location ?>
//call the footer menu
$footermenuVars = array(
'depth’ => 1,
'menu_id’ => 'footer_links’,
'menu_class’ => 'footer_links’,
'echo’ => false,
'container’ => ”,
'container_class’ => ”,
'container_id’ => ”,
'theme_location’ => 'rt-theme-footer-navigation’
echo $footer_menu;
<?php else:?>
//call the footer menu
$footermenuVars = array(
'menu’ => 'RT Theme Footer Navigation Menu’,
'depth’ => 1,
'menu_id’ => 'footer_links’,
'menu_class’ => 'footer_links’,
'echo’ => false,
'container’ => ”,
'container_class’ => ”,
'container_id’ => ”,
'theme_location’ => 'rt-theme-footer-navigation’
echo $footer_menu;
<!– / end ul .footer_links –>
<?php endif;?>
<!– copyright text –>
<div class=”copyright”><?php echo do_shortcode(rt_wpml_t(RT_THEMESLUG, 'Footer Copyright Text’, get_option(RT_THEMESLUG.’_footer_copy’)));?>
</div><!– / end div .copyright –>
</div><!– / end div .part1 –>
<!– social media icons –>
//social media icons
echo do_shortcode(„[rt_social_media_icons]”);
?><!– / end ul .social_media_icons –>
</div><!– / end div .footer_info –>
<!– / footer –>
<?php echo get_option( RT_THEMESLUG.’_google_analytics’);?>
<?php echo stripcslashes(get_option(RT_THEMESLUG.’_space_for_footer’));?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
gdzie to znajdę 😀