Wsparcie » Wtyczki » cforms i captcha

  • Chciałem dodać do formularza weryfikację kodem z obrazka. Ale po dodaniu go wyświetliły się dwa komunikaty:

    It seems that your ROOT directory for WordPress is /speedracer. cforms tried to auto-adjust its settings accordingly, however if you still encounter issues with Ajax (form submission & CAPTCHA reset) please open the file js/cforms.js in your cforms plugin folder and check the sajax_uri variable. (After changing the file, please emtpy your browser cache!)

    It appears that cforms was not able to create abspath.php in your cforms plugin folder. Please check file/folder permissions (plugins/cforms), then re-activate cforms.

    If the problem persists, please create a file (using your preferred text editor) manually with the following content:

    <?php $abspath = '/usr/local/apache/www/htdocs/’; ?>

    Save the file as abspath.php and ftp to your cforms folder.

    Pierwszy, wg polecenia, sprawdziłem ten plik i jest ok, nastomiast drugiego nie rozumiem.

    Proszę o pomoc.

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