Video Dashboard


Video Dashboard allows you to quickly and easily embed YouTube or Vimeo videos in the dashboard of your WordPress site. A settings area allows you to specify up to 50 YouTube or Vimeo video URLs that you would like to show up in the backend of your website. You can then choose the minimum role that is able to see it in their dashboard. If you only want Administrators to see them, you can do that!

Possible future upgrades will include more precise role control and more robust video embedding options.

For more info, please visit our site.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • The plugin in action. Videos are embedded directly into the dashboard screen.
  • The admin screen for Video Dashboard. Options include the ability to select the number of videos that will be displayed and which roles will have the ability to see the videos in the dashboard.


  1. Extra the contents of the .zip file and upload video-dashboard to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktywuj wtyczkę w WordPressie w menu 'Wtyczki”
  3. Add some videos to the dashboard by going to Settings -> Video Dashboard and following the instructions there

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

What Video formats are supported?

Right now Video Dashboard supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.


It’s the perfect plugin to introduce clients to wordpress with tutorials in the dashboard. Sadly just updated 6 months ago, so I am a bit scared that it crashes my site all the time I install it :).
Still works great in July 2020 even though it hasn’t been updated for a while. I am using the Divi framework and it’s great. I like this one because it allows you to add the videos to the dashboard so they see them as soon as they are logged in. Others require users to click the menu item on the left. This is not as clear for clients/users who aren’t used to the WP dashboard. Works great for client support videos.
2017-04-24 1 odpowiedź
I’ve been working now a while with this plugin to offer a better service to my clients. With small youtube tutorials, suited to their needs, I can give a much higher support quality and connect with my customers way better as a freelancer 🙂
Przeczytaj 6 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Video Dashboard” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian

  • removed extra folder within the plugin structure


  • nothing has changed but SVN is terrible and I’m just trying to get the plugin to update


  • Tested on WordPress 4.8.3


  • Added Vimeo support
  • Changed Changed meta box title from „YouTube Videos” to „Videos”
  • Changed wording of error message when given video URL does not include a valid YouTube or Vimeo ID


  • Fixed PHP notices for video URLs upon plugin initialization
  • Fixed a bug where blank video URLs would display as broken videos
  • Tested and found working with WordPress 4.5.3
  • Tested with different WordPress versions
