Tag wtyczki: mp3
Jetpack Easy Playlists
(1 wszystkich ocen)Generate playlists automatically from mp3s attached to your post/page. Requires Jetpack.
Embed GoogleDrive Audios
(1 wszystkich ocen)A lazy way to embed audio files from googledrive on your wordpress blog.
All in One Music Player
(0 wszystkich ocen)Easily embed your favourite music player on your site with "All in One Music Player" block.
La Tecnologeria Podcasting players
(0 wszystkich ocen)A plugin to add external players easily in your web using shortcodes.
(1 wszystkich ocen)An easy to use, modern looking audio player plugin. Works on all modern browsers including iPhone/iPad.
text-to-speech Ondoku
(0 wszystkich ocen)Create an audio file that automatically reads the text aloud when posting a blog, and insert it with an HTML tag at the beginning of the blog.
PressPlay Lite
(4 wszystkich ocen)PressPlay Lite automatically adds a play button along side any MP3 link.
Video Converter
(2 wszystkich ocen)This Plugin Adds a link under embedded video's that allows to download or convert the video to mp3.
(2 wszystkich ocen)AudioTube is a WordPress plugin that lets you embed YouTube videos simply as audio players. It’s great for adding songs or spoken word to your posts a …
(2 wszystkich ocen)Harmonia turns any link to an MP3 or M4A file into a minimalist inline audio player.
Dynamic Audio Player Basic
(7 wszystkich ocen)Provides an audio player widget with a dynamic playlist and shortcodes. Tracks keep playing during navigation.
Audio Comments Plugin
(9 wszystkich ocen)The Audio Comments Plugin for WordPress adds audio comments to your WordPress content by integrating Audior – a powerful mp3 web recording solution.
(0 wszystkich ocen)"play-button" lets you place one or more simple mp3 play buttons to your posts, pages or widget contents.
Total Control HTML5 Audio Player Basic
(6 wszystkich ocen)This is a jQuery plugin for streaming audio with a manageable playlist.
(0 wszystkich ocen)Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal jukebox, an MP3 streamer.