Tag wtyczki: fade in
WP fade in text news
(3 wszystkich ocen)This plugin will create the fadein and out effect in the text. It is an superb excellent way to transition between announcements.
Smart FAQ
(9 wszystkich ocen)Provides A nice Frequently asked Questions Page with answers hidden untill the question is clicked then the desired answer fades smoothly into view.
Znikną w zmaleje tytuł wpisu
(1 wszystkich ocen)Znikną w zmaleje tytuł wpisu wordpress plugin; With this plugin display the post title with fade in fade out effect.
Fade in fade out xml rss feed
(1 wszystkich ocen)This plugin directly retrieve title from RSS XML feed and create the fade in fade out effect in the wordpress website.
Fade In Like Google
(0 wszystkich ocen)Simply activate this plugin to cause your WordPress front page to fade in, like google.