Tag wtyczki: avatar
Twitter Avatar Reloaded
(1 wszystkich ocen)Stores Twitter username together with comments and replaces gravatar with twitter avatar.
Gravatar China
(0 wszystkich ocen)Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Avatar Project
(1 wszystkich ocen)Receiving a comment on your blog post is great and the more comments the better the feeling. It means that not only your post is good but your site be …
Frontend User Avatar
(0 wszystkich ocen)Effortlessly manage and display your user profile avatar from the frontend
Users List Widget
(0 wszystkich ocen)Easily display your WordPress users name on wordpress website.
Buddypress Avatar Hover
(1 wszystkich ocen)BuddyPress Avatar Hover let's you add a pop box when hovering on the group/member avatars and gives you more information at a glance.
Avatars for Comment Feeds
(0 wszystkich ocen)This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog.
Custom Post Avatar
(0 wszystkich ocen)Custom Post Avatar gives you the possibility to replace your default avatar by a custom image on each post individually.
Extended Gravatar
(0 wszystkich ocen)This plugin brings Hovercard popups for your commenters via Gravatar
Ozh' Avatar Popup
(0 wszystkich ocen)Add CSS popups next to mailto links or next to any word. Can be any custom image, and has gravatar support.
Comments Avatar Lazyload
(2 wszystkich ocen)Comments Avatar Lazyload at server side load replace the src property of img tag. It is relly lazyload. It was successfully checked by W3C.
(0 wszystkich ocen)A Twitter widget that display messages with associated usernames and avatars from a Twitter search results.
BuddyPress Default Group Avatar
(1 wszystkich ocen)Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress without disabling Gravatars for users.
Better Gravatar generated icons
(0 wszystkich ocen)Bored by Identicon and MonsterId? Here is a way to add new automatic generated avatars, such as Flathash or Unicorns or funny robots
(0 wszystkich ocen)Adds a shortcode that echos the current Twitter avatar for a username. Image URL is cached.
Me Widget
(0 wszystkich ocen)Provides a simple way to incorporate and customize your Gravatar profile in a easy to style widget.