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SVG Title


SVG title plugin allows to create animated SVG images from text using Google fonts. After SVG title created, it can be used in a post or a text widget by adding a shortcode.

SVG title options:

  • Title: is the title you see in SVG.
  • Font Subset: is a font subset selector. Allows easier to select exact font by removing all other fonts in font selector without such subset.
  • Font: is a font that will be used to render title into SVG. All fonts taken from Google Font.
  • Variant: is one of possible variant of the selected font – italic, regular, bold, etc.
  • Size: is letters size of the title.
  • Stroke: width is stroke width in pixels.
  • Animation speed: in case you wish to add animation to the title, you can add four parameters:
    pause before outline drawing animation will start;
    duration of the outline drawing animation;
    pause before color filling animation will start;
    duration of the color filling animation;

Animation starts if SVG title is visible.

  • Outline color: is a color that used to paint the outline of the letters.
  • Text color: is a color that fills letters inside.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Main screen with all titles
  • SVG title editor screen


Upload the plugin to your blog, Activate it.


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Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„SVG Title” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release.