Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.

Christmas Countdown Widget


The Christmas Countdown Widget displays a cute Santa Claus counting down to Christmas in your sidebar. On Christmas day Santa displays a „Merry Christmas” greeting to your visitors. Since the countdown automatically updates each year and starts the countdown over again on the day after Christmas, you can leave it in your sidebar all year round if you want!

The Christmas countdown will appear in your sidebar on a transparent background so it looks good with any theme.

NEW! You can use the shortcode [countdown] to add the countdown to any post or page. You can also use '[countdown-right]’ to float the widget to the right, or '[countdown-center]’ to center the widget on your page.

For more information about Santa’s countdown, visit ChristmasWebmaster.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Upload plugin and install.
  • On the plugins panel activate the Christmas Countdown Widget.
  • In the widgets menu drag the Christmas Countdown Widget to your sidebar.
  • The Christmas Countdown Widget displays a cute Santa Claus countdown to Christmas in your sidebar!
  • New since version 2.0 – use the shortcode [countdown] to display the countdown on any page or post.


  1. Upload the 'santas-christmas-countdown’ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install via the plugins admin panel.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to your widgets screen, and drag the Christmas Countdown widget to your sidebar.
  4. Let the countdown to Christmas begin!
  5. NEW since version 2+: Use the shortcode [countdown] to display the countdown in any post or page.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Can I change the background color?

It is transparent, but you are free to edit the plugin to your needs.

How do I display the countdown on posts and pages?

Use the shortcode [countdown] to display the countdown to the left of your text, or use [countdown-right] to align the countdown to the right of your text, or use [countdown-center] to display the countdown centered on a page or post.


I love the plug in I would like to choose to countdown to another date in december.
Thanks for the kewl plugin, I’m using the latest WP and it appears to play nice with it.
Заменив содержимое файла scriptfile.js в плагине получаем новогодний счетчик. function cw_axmascount() { today = new Date(); thismon = today.getMonth(); thisday = today.getDate(); thisyr = today.getFullYear(); if (thismon==11 && thisday>1) { thisyr = ++thisyr; BigDay = new Date(’January 1, '+thisyr);} else { BigDay = new Date(’January 1, '+thisyr);} msPerDay = 24*60*60*1000; timeLeft = (BigDay.getTime() – today.getTime() – 1); e_daysLeft = timeLeft / msPerDay; daysLeft = Math.ceil(e_daysLeft); if (daysLeft<=0) {document.write(’С Новым<br>годом!’);} else if (daysLeft>10 & daysLeft<20) {document.write(’до Нового года<br>’+daysLeft+’ дней!’);} else if (daysLeft%10==1) {document.write(’до Нового года<br>’+daysLeft+’ день!’);} else if (daysLeft%10>1 & daysLeft%10<5) {document.write(’до Нового года<br>’+daysLeft+’ дня!’);} else {document.write(’до Нового года<br>’+daysLeft+’ дней!’);} }
At the moment I’ve edited santas-christmas-countdown/scripts/scriptfile.js to support italian language. I hope it will add a switch option. Fabrizio
Przeczytaj 10 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Christmas Countdown Widget” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian

Version 3 Released 01/24/2024

  • Updated to remove deprecated php code

Version 2.9 Released 09/08/2022

Version 2.7 Released 06/01/2020

Version 2.6 Released 10/27/2018

  • Updated to reflect compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8

Version 2.5 Released 09/04/2014

  • Updated to be compatible with WordPress 4.0

Version 2.4 Released 03/01/2014

  • Added shortcode for centering the countdown on a page or post.

Version 2.3 Released 12/28/2013

  • Fixed error in countdown script to restart countdown the day after Christmas.

Version 2.2 Released 12/25/2013

  • Fixed extra spaces in Merry Christmas display.
  • Fixed countdown from saying 1 days left til Christmas to say 1 day left til Christmas. Thanks Nicole, for this edit 🙂

Version 2.1 Released 12/23/2013

  • Updated Countdown Script to show calendar days til Christmas properly. Thanks Tim, for this edit 🙂

Version 2.0 Released 05/13/2013

  • A quick note about updating to version 2 from a previous version: If you have the countdown in your sidebar and update from a previous version, you will have to visit the Widgets page in your admin and drag the countdown back to your side bar.

  • Restructured plugin files and updated code. Added shortcode so that the countdown can be used on any post or page. See FAQ section for details or visit plugin home page.

Version 1.3 Released 03/04/2013

  • Minor update to countdown script.

Version 1.2 Released 11/07/2012

  • Fixed missing day issue, please install update immediately.

Version 1.1 Released 10/03/2012

  • Minor update to countdown script.

Version 1.0 Released 8/20/2012

  • First release!