WP REST API – OAuth 1.0a Server


Wtyczka wykorzystuje protokół OAuth 1.0a do delegacji logowania, zapewniając aplikacjom dostęp do strony za pomocą osobnych poświadczeń. Umożliwia to administratorom stron kontrolę dopuszczonych do strony aplikacji, a użytkownikom nad tym które z nich mają dostęp do jego danych.

Wtyczka wspiera jedynie WordPressa >= 4.4.

The latest stable version is also available from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

New to OAuth

We strongly recommend you use an existing OAuth library. You’ll be best off if you understand the authorization process, but leave the actual implementation to well-tested libraries, as there are a lot of edge cases.

Start reading from the Introduction to get started!

For OAuth Veterans

If you already know how to use OAuth, here’s the lowdown:

  • The plugin uses OAuth 1.0a in
  • We use the three-legged flow
  • To find the REST API index, apply the API autodiscovery process
  • The endpoints for the OAuth process are available in the REST API index: check for $.authentication.oauth1 in the index data.
    • The temporary credentials (request token) endpoint is $.authentication.oauth1.request (typically /oauth1/request)
    • The authorization endpoint is $.authentication.oauth1.authorize (typically /oauth1/authorize)
    • The token exchange (access token) endpoint is $.authentication.oauth1.access (typically /oauth1/access)
  • Your callback URL must match the registered callback URL for the application in the scheme, authority (user/password) host, port, and path sections. (Subpaths are not allowed.)
  • The only signature method supported is HMAC-SHA1.
  • OAuth parameters are supported in the Authorization header, query (GET) parameters, or request body (POST) parameters (if encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded). OAuth parameters are not supported in JSON data.


Really Useful And Good Plugin But Please 1- Reply on The Support Forum 2- Update it To Work Good With Last WordPress Verison 3 – No Clear Docs 4 – not work with localhost
Got this working after some good amount of work! Thanks for bringing this and making API calls secure.
Just google { "code": "rest_cannot_create", "message": "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user.", "data": { "status": 401 } } and you’ll find anyone using this plugin having issues authenticating to perform and protected operations. Dev team is not even responding to github issues or forum posts.
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„WP REST API – OAuth 1.0a Server” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
