Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.



Live screen and online system to display federated events and rooms in self-organized spaces. By OkuLabs.


  • Display events from one or several online calendars (.ics, iCalendar, Google Calendar..)
  • Events are automatically updated on the client via periodic ajax calls so they are always up-to-date.
  • Autodetect specific events and show them in the sidebar.
  • Display a popup for every event, with full address and description.
  • Fully responsive frontend.
  • Auto-scrolling events in fullscreen mode (for days ahead).
  • Auto-scrolling bottom bar that can be updated without reloading the page.
  • Events can be included in any frontend content (page) via the [okupanel] shortcode, integrating your design.
  • ICS output to subscribe to all your events (app synchronization).
  • Graphical timeline of all events via the [okupanel_timeline] shortcode.
  • Automatic management of cafeteria turns via an etherpad.
  • Virtual nodes to show different centers in one common URL/screen.
  • Federation capabilities to show events from many okupanels at once via a switch button.
  • Add hashtags to events based on custom patterns (for special events).
  • Available in English and Spanish. Can be translated to any language through .po files.
  • Can be set as the root page of the wordpress (for dedicated domains).
  • Coming soon: integrate events with OpenStreetMaps

See a live OkuPanel. Or this other one.

OkuPanel, a project inited at the Ingoberlab, now maintained by OkuLabs via cDb Communications.

Zrzuty ekranu


Plugin installation:

  • Extract the plugin archive to your server’s wp-content/plugins folder or install it via the regular Plugins page.
  • Enable the OkuPanel plugin via the Plugins page.
  • Go to Settings > OkuPanel and follow the instructions.

Physical screen installation (optional):


  • A nice screen, ideally with an HDMI input.
  • A computer, ideally a Raspberry Pi3 Model B or alike, that can be dedicated to the task, connect with your screen and to the internet.
  • A cable to connect the computer with the screen.
  • A good charger if you opted for a Raspberry.
  • A 8GB+ MicroSD card (better class 10, though it might work with a class 4), if you opted for a Raspberry.
  • A regular computer with a MicroSD card reader and a connection to the internet.


  • Write down the fullscreen URL that display in the Settings > OkuPanel page (it ends up with ?fullscreen=1&moving=1).
  • Download FullpageOS and extract it somewhere on your machine (with unzip -u thefile for example).
  • Plug your MicroSD card to your computer and find its mounted path (for example with sudo gparted). Please make sure you use the right path, and not your local HDD path! Otherwise you could wipe out all your local disk.
  • Burn the extracted .img on the MicroSD card (for example with dd if=/path/to/the/image.img of=/dev/microsd_id bs=1M).
  • Once done, eject and re-insert the MicroSD card in order to mount it to your computer.
  • On the „boot” partition of the MicroSD card, edit fullpageos-network.txt and put your network settings.
  • Edit fullpageos.txt and leave only your OkuPanel’s fullscreen URL.
  • Edit fullpagedashboard.txt and leave only your OkuPanel’s fullscreen URL there again.
  • Eject the MicroSD card, insert it into your Pi, plug the Pi to a screen, and boot it.
  • In a couple of minutes you should see the Pi automatically start Chromium in fullscreen mode and display your OkuPanel page 😉
  • Additionally, you may want to log into your Pi via SSH (it may be located at pi@fullpageos.local, default password is „raspberry”) to change the system password (using passwd) or to set up a wifi access with wicd.

OkuPanel, a project inited at the Ingoberlab, now maintained by OkuLabs via cDb Communications.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

My panel is not reflecting the changes I make to the events, what should I do?
  • OkuPanel retrieves the events every 5 minutes, so it is normal if you don’t see your changes immediately, just wait 5 minutes for fullscreen mode, or 15 for browser mode. If you need to force the panel to reflect the changes you just made (due to a mistake, or just because you’re testing), you can always add ?update=1 to your OkuPanel URL while logged in, this will force the events to be retrieved again.
Do you plan to add other languages?
  • No, but if you send us translation files (.po), we can add them to the plugin’s available languages.
Do you offer installation support?
  • Not really.. but you can always contact us on our Matrix channel (room: #okupanel) or via email at okupanel@riseup.net.
Do you have a donate link?
  • Sure! You can show us your support via this Donate Page. For any doubt, do not hesitate in contacting us at okupanel@riseup.net.
Can you give us sample values for the config fields?
  • Sure. We compiled some sample configuration values there.


Nosotros estamos utilizando el plugin Okupanel en el Espacio Vecinal Arganzuela. A veces algún evento no lo reconoce, pero creemos que es problema del calendario de Google, y no del plugin; eliminando el evento conflictivo y volviéndolo a meter se soluciona y aparece correctamente. Una vez detectado el problema, todo va como la seda.
Przeczytaj 1 recenzje

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„OkuPanel” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
