Galeria Obrazków Modula


With Modula, building stunning lightbox galleries, masonry grids, custom grids, and more is easier than ever with a few clicks from the WordPress dashboard.

Modula is the best WordPress gallery plugin for adding custom, unique, and responsive galleries to your website. It has a free and a premium version, both of which allow you to add amazing, fast-loading galleries.

Co oferuje darmowa wersja wtyczki Modula:

– Multiple types of image galleries: Creative, Custom grid, Masonry
– 100% Gutenberg compatibility
– Integrations with most popular website builders: Beaver Builder, Elementor, Divi Builder
– Lightbox effect for images
– Social buttons for image sharing are Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Email. See the demo for social sharing.
– Import/Export tool: great for moving your galleries to another site without jumping through hoops.
– Custom CSS personalization
– Upload positioning control, set if new images are added at the start or end of your gallery
– Social buttons for image sharing: Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Email. See demo for social sharing

Teraz wersja Premium:

Image proofing: Make it easy for customers to choose the photos they want edited with proofing galleries on your website. They can pick their favorites and send their choices directly through the site. No more long email chains or back-and-forth—everything is handled in one place!
Instagram: Easily link your Instagram account to your Modula Gallery. With this connection you will then be able to import Instagram images directly in your gallery, enriching your website with your Instagram content.
Defaults: Are you tired of going through each gallery and setting up the same settings repeatedly? Use the Defaults extension to define a basic set of options for your galleries, then simply add this to each new gallery you create. It saves a lot of time!
Content Galleries: Take your gallery creation to the next level, with this add-on you will be able to generate a new gallery from your current posts, pages or custom post types. Even more, each gallery is synched with the original source, changes to the original content will also be reflected in the gallery.
Bulk Edit: Easily edit multiple images at once, saving up precious configuration time.
Video gallery: Use the Video extension to combine videos with images in your galleries. It works with YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos.
Lightbox slideshow: improve the user experience with your galleries by presenting the images in a stunning slideshow.
Slider gallery: This helps display your gallery images in a new format type: slider. It can be synced with a thumbnail strip below it. You can switch it up by adding different elements to the slider: dots, arrows, a fade effect, infinite loop, center mode, and more.
Gallery Filters: Apply one or more filters to your images to allow your website’s visitors to easily sort through your gallery.
Albums: Let’s say you are going on a holiday trip and wish to document each day in a separate gallery. The Albums extension will allow you to group up all your holiday galleries in a single listing, enabling easy access to your precious memories.
– Multiple dynamic effects: Loading Effects, Hover effects and Zoom effects
Watermark images: protect your photos by adding custom watermarks.
Right-Click Protection: use it to prevent visitors from downloading your images with right-click protection. It also turns off keyboard shortcuts for downloading images.
Speed UP: Using this extension, you can optimize your images by reducing their file sizes, resizing them through ShortPixel’s image optimization algorithms, and serving them from StackPath’s CDN (content delivery network). The result? A fast website without the high costs associated with it.
Whitelabel: This extension helps you remove all mentions of Modula from the plugin and customize it with your own brand, logo, and text.
– Support and updates are included with each purchase for one year.


Aby wstawić galerię do posta/strony WordPress, wystarczy skopiować krótki kod ze strony edycji galerii Modula.

Twój krótki kod, będzie wyglądał tak:

[modula id=”1192″]

Here are a couple of quick tutorials on how to create your dream gallery using the free version:

WordPress Image Gallery
Custom grid Gallery
Masonry Image Gallery
Mobile responsive Gallery
Beaver Builder Gallery
Elementor Image Gallery
Divi Builder Gallery

When using the premium version, you can also create:
Video Gallery in WordPress
Gallery Slider in WordPress
Gallery with Hover Effects
Gallery Album


– Search our extensive knowledge base for documentation about installing the plugin/the extensions, available settings and how to use them.
– Browse Modula’s WordPress forum to find answers to your queries or create a new topic.
Contact us directly for support.

Do you have galleries already created in NextGen, Envira, Final Tiles Grid Gallery or FooGallery and want to migrate them to Modula?
Use our dedicated tools:
Migrate away from NextGEN Gallery
Migrate away from FooGallery
Migrate away from Envira Gallery
Migrate away from Final Tiles
Migrate away from Photoblocks Gallery

Already love Modula? Rate us on WordPress!

Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności osób trzecich lub usług zewnętrznych

Wtyczka łączy się z naszą stroną poprzez wywołanie API ( w celu zażądania listy dostępnych rozszerzeń.


Nasza polityka prywatności znajduje się pod tym adresem URL:

Zrzuty ekranu

  • Siatka niestandardowa – Swobodnie zmieniaj rozmiar obrazków
  • Siatka niestandardowa – Siatka pomocnicza
  • Opis interfejsu użytkownika dla opcji zaplecza
  • Responsywne galerie tworzone za pomocą Modula


Wtyczka dodaje 1 blok.

  • Modula Gallery


For automatic installation:

Najprostszym sposobem instalacji, jest kliknięcie kolejno: Wtyczki > Dodaj > i wpisanie w polu wyszukiwania słowa „Modula”

For manual installation 1:

  1. Zaloguj się na swojej stronie i przejdź do sekcji Wtyczki w panelu administracyjnym.
  2. Kliknij przycisk Dodaj nową
  3. W obszarze Zainstalowane wtyczki kliknij łącze Wyślij wtyczkę na serwer.
  4. Wybierz plik zip wtyczki ( z komputera, a następnie kliknij przycisk Zainstaluj.
  5. Powinieneś zobaczyć komunikat informujący, że wtyczka została pomyślnie zainstalowana.
  6. Kliknij łącze Aktywuj wtyczkę.

Do ręcznej instalacji 2:

  1. Powinieneś mieć dostęp do serwera, na którym jest zainstalowany WordPress. Jeśli nie, skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu.
  2. Skopiuj plik zip wtyczki ( na swój serwer i rozpakuj go gdzieś w systemie plików.
  3. Skopiuj katalog „modula-lite” do katalogu /wp-content/plugins instalacji WordPressa.
  4. Zaloguj się na swojej stronie i przejdź do sekcji Wtyczki w panelu administracyjnym.
  5. Zobacz na Modula i kliknij Aktywuj.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Jak dodać galerię Modula do wpisów i stron?

Check out this article to find out how easy it is to add Modula galleries to WordPress posts and pages

Czy mogę przenieść galerie utworzone za pomocą innych wtyczek?

YES! Whether you have galleries created with NextGEN, FooGallery, Envira Gallery, Final Tiles or Photoblocks, you can transform them into Modula galleries on the spot, with our migrator plugins available in the WordPress repository:
Migrate away from NextGEN Gallery
Migrate away from FooGallery
Migrate away from Envira Gallery
Migrate away from Final Tiles
Migrate away from Photoblocks Gallery

Układ nie wygląda poprawnie

Włącz konsolę przeglądarki i sprawdź, czy widzisz błąd: „Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function” ↵
Błąd ten oznacza, że przeglądarka nie zna JavaScript wtyczki Modula, w większości przypadków problem ten jest spowodowany nieprawidłowym włączeniem jQuery przez motyw lub inną wtyczkę.

Dlaczego niektóre obrazki są rozmazane?

Jeśli otrzymujesz rozmazane i zapikselowane obrazki, musisz podnieść parametr „Minimalna szerokość obrazka” w sekcji „Ogólne”.

Jak mogę uzyskać wsparcie techniczne?

Darmowe wsparcie techniczne jest dostępne tylko z licencją PRO: Kup Modula PRO

Jak mogę podziękować?

  • Give us 5 stars on WordPress
  • Po prostu poleć naszą wtyczkę swoim znajomym! lub
  • Obserwuj nas na X


2024-10-24 1 odpowiedź
I used the free Modula gallery plug-in for a long time with no issues and was very happy with it, but upgraded to Pro [Starter] for more features and flexibility. I initially had problems with a conflict that I could not figure out and Modula Support went above and beyond to get it working. It’s a great plugin with excellent support. *****
2024-09-18 1 odpowiedź
It does exactly what I wanted. A beautiful masonery gallery with Pinterest links!
2024-09-10 1 odpowiedź
Was using other gallery plugins, three in fact over the past few years. This one beats them, easy to use, easy user interface. Thanks a million!
Przeczytaj 570 recenzji

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Wtyczka „Galeria Obrazków Modula” została przetłumaczona na 4 języki. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.

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Rejestr zmian

2.11.11 – 07.01.2025

Fixed: ZIP file vulnerability fix.

2.11.10 – 20.12.2024

Update: Extended the upsells notifications system to include Image Proofing extension.

2.11.9 – 19.12.2024

Fixed: Text domain loading

2.11.8 – 17.12.2024

Update: Seasonal promotions notifications.

2.11.7 – 14.12.2024

Fixed: PHP Throwing warning in certain cases

2.11.6 – 06.12.2024

Changed: Adjustments to the promotion notices for Modula

2.11.5 – 05.12.2024

Fixed: Resolved infinite REST notification retries when the user lacks the manage_options capability.
Fixed: Addressed an undefined JavaScript error that occurred outside the Modula edit screen.

2.11.4 – 04.12.2024

Fixed: Search for galleries with numeric title. ( #1135 )
Fixed: Incompatibility with „Multisite Shared Media Library” plugin ( #1143 )
Changed: Sticky save/update metabox in edit gallery screen. ( #1141 )
Changed: Side metaboxes reorder functionality in edit gallery screen. ( #1140 )
Changed: Collapse functionality for metaboxes in edit gallery screen. ( #1139 )

2.11.3 – 27.11.2024

Fixed: Notification action URL encoding
Fixed: PHP Warning
Fixed: Gallery item has data-width and data-height on non-required gallery types

2.11.2 – 20.11.2024

Added: Increased functionality for sanitization of gallery settings.

2.11.1 – 06.11.2024

Changed: Notification action option to permanently dissmiss a notice.

2.11.0 – 24.10.2024

Added: Upload images from folder functionality
Added: Upload images from zip file functionality
Added: New notifications system

2.10.3 – 10.10.2024

Fixed: Upload position setting not being saved.

2.10.2 – 30.09.2024

Added: Multiple columns for the Masonry gallery type
Fixed: Sanitize captions for fancybox (security fix)

2.10.1 – 19.09.2024

Changed: Hide instead of disable admin settings on parent change. ( #1031 )
Fixed: PHP warning: undefined value.( #1041 )

2.10.0 – 10.09.2024

Fixed: Debug metabox default to off ( #1035 )
Added: Image upload position choice, users can now choose where to upload images in the gallery. ( #1015 )
Changed: UI improvements for the gallery edit page. ( #1034 )

2.9.5 – 09.09.2024

Fixed: Compatibility with ACF Pro ( #937 )
Fixed: Not importing sourge-gallery captions for existing media images. ( #904 )
Fixed: Admin table listing error when searching for string containing %s. ( #1036 )

2.9.4 – 30.08.2024

Removed: Build files from repository.

2.9.3 – 30.08.2024

Added: Added rest fields for metafields.

2.9.2 – 29.08.2024

Fixed: Security fix for Gallery CPT export

2.9.1 – 14.08.2024

Fixed: PHP warning: undefined key. ( #1018 )
Added: RTL elements orientation option added to isotope script. ( #987 )

2.9.0 – 12.08.2024

Added: bnb like gallery layout upsell setting. ( #1002 )
Fixed: Error with Elementor theme builder. ( #1014 )
Fixed: No gallery preview in gutenberg editor. ( #1013 )
Changed: Move body_class filter to a higher priority. ( #1012 )
Added: Image option to hide the title. ( #941 )
Added: Search gallery by id. ( #1001 )
Added: Filter galleries admin list table by gallery type. ( #980 )

2.8.19 – 30.07.2024

Fixed: Error with Divi builder.

2.8.18 – 30.07.2024

Fixed: Images inserted from the WordPress Media Library were not scaling correctly in the custom grid-type gallery.

2.8.17 – 30.07.2024

Added: WordPress Media library option to add selected(grid) or checked(list) images to a Modula gallery.( #1002 )
Changed: Removed WPChill tracking option.( #1007 )

2.8.16 – 20.07.2024

Naprawiono: Edycja/Nowa galeria nie działała prawidłowo z powodu klasy debugowania

2.8.15 – 19.07.2024

Changed: Update Twitter logo in share.( #996 )
Changed: Removed compatibility code that was creating issues in mobile lightboxes.( #989 )
Fixed: Gallery custom CSS ’>’ selector was html encoded and not working on front-end.( #924 )
Changed: Image licensing license selector design.( #986 )
Fixed: Admin menu ordering. ( #974 )
Changed: Captions „Title Color” & „Title Font Size” defaults. ( #1004 )
Fixed: Captions & title child settings cannot be edited after toggling parent setting ON ( #1003 )
Fixed: Gallery deug metabox won’t stay on. ( #1005 )

2.8.14 – 08.07.2024

Added: Support for Modula Image SEO addon
Changed: Compatibility for Modula Slider with Fancybox Carousel & Guttenberg block ( #991 )

2.8.13 – 26.06.2024

Changed: Optimize galleries DB count chech for onboarding display. ( #978 )
Fixed: Removed lightbox double zoom button fancybox 5 compatibility. ( #982 )
Fixed: Admin settings tooltip display over icon radio. ( #984 )

2.8.12 – 13.06.2024

Added: Options to change lightbox transition and slide animation
Fixed: Modula Albums compatibility function resets album js config settings. ( #975 )

2.8.11 – 11.06.2024

Fixed: Elements floating on top of Lightbox ( #965 )

2.8.10 – 11.06.204

Naprawiono: Problemy z CSS dla zalogowanych użytkowników
Dodano: Obsługa pozycji miniatur (Modula PRO)

2.8.8 – 07.06.2024

Naprawiono: Klasy CSS o ograniczonym zakresie dla modula (naprawia konfliktowe motywy/wtyczki dla bibliotek innych firm)

2.8.7 – 06.06.2024

Naprawiono: Zresetuj style obrazów Fancybox (poprawka zgodności z v3)

2.8.6 – 04.06.2024

Naprawiono: JS nie był minimalizowany w poprzedniej wersji

2.8.5 – 03.06.2024

Fixed: Lightbox swiping does not work ( compatibility with Modula PRO ) ( #965 )
Changed: Added a „Do not show this notice again” button in the tracking notice.

2.8.4 – 31.05.2024

Fixed: Thumbnail navigation showing at the bottom of the lightbox.
Changed: Social icons buttons popup. ( #946 )
Fixed: Social settings buttons getting stuck if disabled and enabled. ( #956 )
Fixed: Removed extra comma triggering „Syntax error” on php < 7.3 ( #953 )
Fixed: Guttenberg galleries fatal error ( #958 )
Added: fancybox-image element width and height ( #955 )
Fixed: Divi Builder compatibility ( #962 )

2.8.3 – 28.05.2024

Naprawiono: przycisk Zamknij nie jest wyświetlany w lightboxie

2.8.2 – 27.05.2024

Naprawiono: Błąd krytyczny w niektórych systemach, ponieważ użyto „`” zamiast „’”

2.8.1 – 27.05.2024

Zmieniono: Analityka i śledzenie wtyczek przeniesione do ustawień wtyczki
Zmieniono: Ulepszony tekst powiadomienia o analityce

2.8.0 – 27.05.2024

Changed: Save gallery settings with the right format. ( #868 )
Changed: Hover effects cursor not changing in previewer. ( #852 )
Fixed: Troubleshooting scripts not being enqueued. ( #877 )
Changed: Lightbox & links settings – overhaul. ( #885 )
Fixed: Welcome page header flex properly spaced. ( #880 )
Changed: Removed feedback notification. ( #880 )
Changed: Upgraded lightbox to Fancybox 5. ( #894 )
Changed: Improved publish metabox. ( #290 )
Added: Focusable images using „Tab” key and selecting images using „Enter” key for ADA Compliance. ( #299 )
Fixed: ADA compliance issues. ( #708 )
Added: Made lightbox strings translatable. ( #301 )
Added: Backwards compatibility to update Modula Speedup cdn. ( #909 )
Changed: Social shares now share the page and added Rich View Snippets for social shares. ( #945 )

2.7.95 – 17.04.2024

Changed: Change image attribution license selection from radio to select input ( #930 )
Fixed: Accesibility fix for aria-label when lightbox display is used. ( #884 )
Fixed: Direct documentation link for each plugin setting tab. ( #931 )

2.7.94 – 03.04.2024

Fixed: Divi Theme & WP 6.5 compatibility. ( #926 )

2.7.93 – 27.02.2024

Fixed: Warning undefined array key “enable_optimization” ( #915 )

2.7.92 – 23.02.2024

Fixed: Extensions -> Last reload date. ( #907 )

2.7.91 – 29.01.2024

Changed: Save gallery settings with the right format. ( #868 )
Changed: Hover effects cursor not changing in previewer. ( #852 )
Fixed: Troubleshooting scripts not being enqueued. ( #877 )
Changed: Lightbox & links settings – overhaul. ( #885 )
Fixed: Welcome page header flex properly spaced. ( #880 )
Changed: Removed feedback notification. ( #880 )
Added: Modula Image Licensing addon upsells. ( #899 )
Changed: Restored edit view title and „Add new” button. ( #886 )
Changed: Lightbox’s thumbnails aria-label attribute inserts unencoded html chars ( #902 )
Fixed: Setting value lost when setting’s parent is disabled and the gallery is updated. ( #903 )

You can read the complete changelog here