Individual Multisite Author


When running WordPress Multisites to maintain various top level domains or a multilingual version of your site you might probably run into the problem of having the same author description / biography on each of them.

This is unfortunate not only on multilingual sites.

Long story short, this plugin enables you to enter the author biography for each user on a per-blog basis.

You don’t have to do anything, but to install and activate the plugin and to enter the author bio into through the dashboard(s) of your site(s).

Please visit the github repository on if you want to contribute, post a specific feature request or bug report.

Some things site admins and developers might want to know:

  • the plugin only works when multisite support is enabled
  • the biography is saved using a custom profile field for each blog with the pattern 'ima_description_BLOGID’, e.g. img_description_3
  • the filter get_the_author_description is used to load the „right” description; this is used by the_author_meta() and get_the_author_meta() functions


  1. Upload the folder individual-multisite-author to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the IMA through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress

You will now see an additional field for the author description when you visit the author profile.
This field is individual for each blog, so make sure you first login to the right dashboard when changing the authors bio for a specific site in your multisite environment.


Unfortunately so many plugins are a mess because they try to do everything and don´t follow standards. As such I have had to write literally 100s for my own needs, some of which I have releaed in thsi repository. So it is refeshing when I find a plugin like this that does only one thing, does its well,a and does so without taking over wp-admin in some way. Great work
2020-05-24 1 odpowiedź
This is a simple and effective plugin, great for my WordPress multisite network. Allowing the authors to display custom author bio for each subsite. Wonderful. Thanks.
2017-01-31 1 odpowiedź
Exactly what i need as i have a german and an english blog in my multisite network. I examined the plugin code and it is well written. i can recommend it!
Przeczytaj 11 recenzji

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„Individual Multisite Author” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


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Rejestr zmian


  • allow to translate the plugin through, props @2ndkauboy
  • show a warning if the current site is not a multisite, props @2ndkauboy
  • secure user data while allowing some HTML in the description, props @2ndkauboy
  • fix PHP 8.2 deprecation warning, props @2ndkauboy


  • reverted escaping from name and description to allow HTML again


  • added field for site-specific author name, props to a user
  • escaped name and description when saved to the database


  • added French translation


  • fixed broken textdomain reference, thanks @rwatuny


  • adjust coding to wordpress (extra) standard
  • fix deprecation notice for WP 3.0+ (update_usermeta)
  • minor code 'optimisation’


  • fixing a bug that prevented the plugin from being loaded completely


  • html tags are now allowed in the bio


  • added textdomain
  • added German translation to test textdomain


(confused commit, please ignore)


  • input field for individual description is now bigger
  • added short description for the plugin
  • use default description if no site specific description is provided.


  • updated files, to fix showing the plugin on


  • initializing the plugin