Disable the author pages ( /author=? ) in wordpress and redirect the user to another page.
- Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory
and all its contents to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Aktywuj wtyczkę w WordPressie w menu 'Wtyczki”
- Configure it under settings/disable author pages
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
- Installation Instructions
- Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory
and all its contents to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Aktywuj wtyczkę w WordPressie w menu 'Wtyczki”
- Configure it under settings/disable author pages
- Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory
- I have a new translation
Translations are handled via https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/disable-author-pages
- I found a bug
Please report it at https://github.com/staude/disable-author-pages/issues
- I have a feature request
Please report it at https://github.com/staude/disable-author-pages/issues
Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„Disable Author Pages” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
ZaangażowaniWtyczka „Disable Author Pages” została przetłumaczona na 4 języki. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.
Przetłumacz wtyczkę “Disable Author Pages” na swój język.
Interesuje cię rozwój wtyczki?
Przeglądaj kod, sprawdź repozytorium SVN lub czytaj dziennik rozwoju przez RSS.
Rejestr zmian
- version tagging sync github / wordpress.org svn. Thanks to swissspidy
- fix: notice plugin_settings_link not static. Thanks to swissspidy
- DB clean up on uninstall
- added settings list on pluginlist
- fix: redirect to pages. Thanks to Georg
- changed text domain for translations via translate.wordpress.org
- added github updater metadata
- Updated German Translation, Urls and Description. Thanks to krafit
- Minor spelling correction. Thanks to tristanpenman
- Make it work if WordPress installed in a subdirectory
Thanks to smeric - Moved sourcecode to GitHub: https://github.com/staude/disable-author-pages
- Moved Issuetracker to GitHub: https://github.com/staude/disable-author-pages/issues
Fix: When I choose redirect to „Profile” page and save, the dialogue reverts back to Homepage. ( Thanks to Tradedog )
Fix: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in wp-includes/post-template.php on line 29 (from user BackuPs – Thanks)
- Added feature disable only admin author page (from user BackuPs – Thanks)
- Added feature redirect non exists autor page (instead of default 404) ( Request from Matt Jensen – Thanks)
Disable some php notices if WP Debug active
- Added settings to Options > Author Pages
- 0000027: Overwrite the author_link (optional).
- 0000029: status of redirect
- 0000028: Select destination for redirect
First version.