Coupon Maker is a plugin which lets you make your own coupon buttons which you can use on your website to give exclusive discounts to your readers or visitors. This plugin can also be used to showcase other portal’s coupon codes and forward them to your affiliate URL. When a person clicks on the coupon button a new window opens the e-commerce portal’s URL having your own affiliate ID.
[insert-code coupon="354564"
url="http://coupondaddy.in" text="reveal
[insert-deal url="http://coupondaddy.in"
text="click here"]
- Replace the Bold text with your values.
- The „text” attribute is optional.
- Go to your admin area and select Plugins -> Add new from the menu.
- Search for „iOS Images Fixer”.
- Click install.
- Click activate.
Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„Coupon Maker” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
ZaangażowaniPrzetłumacz wtyczkę “Coupon Maker” na swój język.
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Rejestr zmian
Initial Release