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Contact Form 7 to Mailjet


Contact Form 7 to Mailjet is a plugin developed by Youdemus.

This plugin allows you to automatically fill in a contact list on Mailjet, or database, each time a user submits a contact form on your WordPress website with Contact Form 7.

The huge benefit of this plugin is that it allows you to create a specific email’s database on Mailjet to distinguish contacts from your site. You can also specify a specific list for each of your forms.

This plugin requires that the official Mailjet plugin is properly configured (API). This is not an official Contact Form 7 plugin or Mailjet plugin.

It is also possible to associate a check box for the GPRD if you have one in your contact form.

For help in installation, please check FAQ or contact us directly.


Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Do I have to add the square brackets ?

Nope ! For example, if you have [email your-email] in contact form 7 you just have to place your-email in contact form 7 to mailjet admin page in email field. That’s exactly the same for name, checkbox and secondary fields. Feel free to contact us for help (French and english speaking).

How do I find the contact list ID in Mailjet ?

You can get the contact list ID in Mailjet website dashboard -> Contacts menu.


Réponds parfaitement au besoin ! Ultra-pratique ! Merci !
Plugin is in French language, so google translator help me. After some settings works great. You can set multiple contact forms to multiple lists.
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p>It only displays a useless message „Mailjet and Contact Form 7 must be active.”</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
Fonctionne parfaitement, support réactif (aide à la configuration) ! Dommage que les champs dates ne fonctionnent pas encore (j’espère qu’une mise à jour le permettra bientôt). Un plugin qui à de l’avenir !
There is no installation instruction, what works is uncertain, how to use it is pointless. litter in this state.
Just remember that the first field must be the email shortcode from CF7. By default, it’s „your-email”.
Przeczytaj 7 recenzji

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„Contact Form 7 to Mailjet” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian


  • Big update – correcting issues with Mailjet plugin
  • A bit of rebranding and more explanations inside the setting page
  • A bit of translation in english
  • Test compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3


  • Test compatibility with WordPress 5.7.1
  • Add a Mailjet’s credential presence verification


  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.2 – credit @colir


  • Bug fix : secondary field fixed


  • Bug fix : another checkbox validation bug fixed


  • Bug fix : checkbox validation bug fixed


  • Bug fix : name field in Mailjet using email instead of name


  • Bug fix: secondary field doesn’t create properties in Mailjet


  • Added an option to add multiple configuration and destination by form


  • Added an option to send custom secondary fields in Mailjet’s database