Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.

BIT Order Queues for WooCommerce


Add Order Statues for each Supplier in Product>Attributes
Statuses for:
Ready to Export
Awaiting Import
Awaiting Dispatch
Additional Status for Multiple Suppliers to be manually decided.

For use with BlackIce systems and automation (printers and barcode readers). Untested/unsupported for other system.

Zrzuty ekranu

  • WooCommerce Products>Attributes
  • WooCommerce Products>Attributes>Supplier
  • Simple Product>Attributes>Supplier
  • Variable Product>Attributes>Supplier
  • Orders Screen, showing orders assigned to new queues.
  • Order Status Dropdown on Order Screen
  • Descision Flow to assigning order to Queues.


  1. Upload bit-order-queues to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Why am I getting a warning to create „Suppliers” attribute?

While active the plugin relies on the Suppliers Product Attribute.
If this is not present, you will receive a warning until you create it.

What actions should I take before deactivating?

As the Plugin registers order statuses, on deactivation these statuses will no longer be displayed in WooCommerce.
Before deactivating you should re-assign existing orders to a standard order status.

Do I need to re-assign orders if just checking for plugin conflicts?

No, if you temporarily deactivate the plugin you may notice missing orders, but they are still in the database and the queues/statuses will reappear when the plugin is reactivate.

How can I recover missing orders without reactivating the plugin?

You can update each orders (post) status via the database.
Because this is a more advanced topic we won’t cover exactly how, but it’s pretty easy. Make sure to take a backup before editin database entries.

What if I want to change the slug for a supplier?

You can update the slug via Product>Attributes>Suppliers>
But before doing so you should re-assign any orders using the existing slug to another status.

What if I already changed the slug without first updating orders?

Again it’s not a major problem, either change the slug back, re-assign orders, then update it again.
Or, you can update orders (posts) directly in the database.


Wtyczka nie ma jeszcze żadnej recenzji.

Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy

„BIT Order Queues for WooCommerce” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.


Rejestr zmian


  • Added BIT (Pending Payment) status for portal.


  • Added: logging.


  • UPDATE: Tested upto version info.
  • FIX: incorrect submission of gf-submitter plugin file.


  • UPDATE: update the filters to block automatic printing after PrintNode plugin update fixing their error.


  • FIXED: incorrect filters to block automatic printing of all orders. Documentation for printnode plugin incorrect and reported.


  • Renamed bit-order-statuses.php to blackice-order-statuses.php.
  • Reconfigured Print functions from WooCommerce Print Orders (Google Cloud Print) to WooCommerce Automatic Printing – PrintNode


  • Renamed the Plugin from wc-bit-order-statuses to bit-order-statuses after wordpress submission.


  • Renamed the Plugin from woocommerce-bit-order-statuses to wc-bit-order-statuses


  • Added print init to block print on payment/processing.
  • Added print call on order assigning to bit-expt or multi supplier.
  • Print functions tested using dev environment via print to pdf’s.


  • Added: function for 5 min processing queue check and schedule in batches of 5 orders to be run through the queue functions
  • Note: above will need fine tuning, if more than 5 orders are not moved from processing then only these 5 will get checked repetadly.
  • Added: schedule processing check job on Plugin Activation.
  • Added: remove scheduled processing check job on Plugin De-Activation.
  • Tested: reports, new orders, existing orders on dev system all ok. activated on live system but daily report mail already run. Further checks needed.


  • Added: function and call for reports to include the new statuses.
  • Fixed: Sales missing from WooCommerce Daily reports emails and reports screen.


  • Added: functions and hooks for on payment complete
  • Added: functions and hooks for on order complete (for non payment orders)
  • migrate: to above hooks from thank-you page calls.


  • Added: hook bit_order_queues_schedule_event
  • Added: function schedule_auto_assign_status
  • Added: logic to schedule_auto_assign_status to either schedule or run now if scheduler not available.
  • Update: thank-you page hook to call schedule_auto_assign_status instead of running immediately.


  • Move all __construct() to init() and fire init when creating the new instance of the plugin.


  • Added auto sort function and programming to decide which queue to assign each order to.
  • Added wc-bit-rexp BIT (Processing) and wc-bit-multi Multiple Suppiers (To Process) queues.
  • ver 1.2 – 1.9 huge updates with testing to ensure decisions are correct.
  • Hardcoded checks for Mug only orders to be assigned to GF.
  • Hardcoded checks for Patch only orders to assign to BIT (for future use when PPE have patches) needs extending to pins/other items.


  • Added ignore_slug arrays and logic
  • Added ignore_adis array and logic to bulk actions.


  • Write this Readme


  • Fix: renamed -repx (Ready to Export) to -rexp inline with the css.


  • Fixed problem with 1 supplier text not displaying. Order Status is tied to the description on the main Orders Admin screen not just single.
  • Remove text 'Mark As ’ from the order status as it’s display on the Orders Admin not just in the Single Order DropDown Box.
  • Renamed function to include admin_ to show it also runs on the Orders Admin page.


  • Added CSS file and some standard colours for our existing suppliers.
  • Added to enqueue the CSS file.


  • Added deactivation warning to the plugins page.


  • Added warnings to the Attributes Page and Suppliers Attributes page.


  • Added the order_status functions for dropdown and bulk actions.
  • Renamed (Ready to CSV) to (Ready to Export)


  • Added the main order_status function to query suppliers taxonomy and create the Ready to CSV queues.


  • Initial setup of plugin directory structure.