Asgaros Forum is the perfect WordPress plugin if you want to extend your website with a lightweight and feature-rich discussion board. It is easy to set up, super fast and perfectly integrated into WordPress.
Wsparcie, demo & dokumentacja
- Proste zarządzanie treścią
- Profile & listy członków
- Powiadomienia & kanały
- Potężny edytor
- przyjazne-SEO
- Reakcje
- Wysłane na serwer
- Wyszukiwanie
- Ankiety
- Widżety
- Statystyka
- Posty gości
- Akceptacja, banowanie & raportowanie
- Moderatorzy, zezwolenia & grupy użytkowników
- Konfigurowalny, responsywny szablon
- Wielojęzyczność
- Wiele instancji
- Kompatybilność z wieloma stronami
- Integracja myCRED
- Podczas instalacji, na forum automatycznie zostaje utworzona nowa strona.
- Dodaj tę stronę do swojego menu, dzięki czemu użytkownicy uzyskają dostęp do Twojego forum.
- To wszystko!
Zrzuty ekranu
- Pobierz
Forum Asgaros
- Włącz wtyczkę na ekranie WordPressa
Zainstalowane wtyczki
. - Podczas instalacji, na forum automatycznie zostaje utworzona nowa strona.
- Możesz też ręcznie dodać forum do strony, umieszczając na niej kod
- Dodaj tę stronę do swojego menu, dzięki czemu użytkownicy uzyskają dostęp do Twojego forum.
- Po lewej stronie obszaru administracyjnego odnajdziesz nowe menu o nazwie
, gdzie możesz zmienić ustawienia oraz stworzyć nowe kategorie & fora - To wszystko!
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Nie widzę treści lub modyfikacji, które wprowadziłem
Jeżeli używasz jakiś innych wtyczek do buforowania (np. WP Super Cache for example) i wyłączysz buforowanie na stronie forum – wszystko powinno znów działać poprawnie.
Nie mogę załadować moich plików
Domyślnie można przesyłać wyłącznie pliki o formatach: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, pdf. Możesz zmienić te ustawienia w panelu administracyjnym forum.
Gdzie mogę dodać moderatorów lub zbanować użytkowników?
Możesz zbanować użytkowników lub dodać moderatorów poprzez ekran edycji użytkownika, znajdujący się w wordpressowym interfejsie administracyjnym.
Jak mogę wyświetlić konkretny wpis / temat / forum / kategorię na stronie?
Możesz rozszerzyć krótkie kody o różne parametry, aby wyświetlić tylko określoną treść. Na przykład:
[forum post="POSTID"]
,[forum topic="TOPICID"]
,[forum forum="FORUMID"]
,[forum category="CATEGORYID"]
lub[forum category="CATEGORYID1, CATEGORYID2"]
. -
Jak mogę dodać obrazki captcha do edytora dla gości?
Aby rozszerzyć funkcjonalność swojego forum o funkcje captcha, musisz użyć jednej z dostępnych wtyczek captcha innych firm do WordPressa i samodzielnie rozszerzyć swój plik motywu functions.php o funkcje logiki sprawdzającej za pomocą dostępnych haczyków (hooks) i filtrów. Na przykład możesz użyć wtyczki Really Simple CAPTCHA i uzupełnić plik motywu functions.php następującym kodem:
https://gist.github.com/Asgaros/6d4b88b1f5013efb910d9fcd01284698. -
Chcę pomóc w tłumaczeniu Forum Asgaros
Możesz pomóc przy tłumaczeniu Forum Asgaros na tej stronie:
Do tłumaczenia używaj wyłącznie tej strony i nie przysyłaj mi swoich własnych plików .po/.mo, ponieważ jest to trudne do prowadzenia, jeśli otrzymuję wiele plików z tłumaczeniami dla danego języka. -
Proszę zatwierdzać moje tłumaczenia
Sam możesz zatwierdzać tłumaczenia jeśli jesteś Project Translation Editorem (PTE). Skontaktuj się ze mną na forum wtyczki, jeżeli jesteś native speakerem i chcesz zostać PTE.
Które haki i filtry są dostępne?
You can find a list of available hooks and filters on this site:
Kontrybutorzy i deweloperzy
„Forum Asgaros” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
ZaangażowaniWtyczka „Forum Asgaros” została przetłumaczona na 35 języków. Podziękuj tłumaczom za ich wkład.
Przetłumacz wtyczkę “Forum Asgaros” na swój język.
Interesuje cię rozwój wtyczki?
Przeglądaj kod, sprawdź repozytorium SVN lub czytaj dziennik rozwoju przez RSS.
Rejestr zmian
- Fixed: _load_textdomain_just_in_time PHP notice
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.7
- Fixed: Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability when marking topics as read
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.5
- Fixed: PHP Object Injection
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.4
- Fixed: PHP warning and database error in statistics
- Fixed: PHP parse error in forum-compatibility.php
- Fixed: Prevent forum administrators from allowing dangerous file extensions for uploads
- Fixed: Improved file size error handling during file uploads
- Fixed: Ensure that asgarosforum_filter_profile_link filtering is always performed
- Added: Option which allows users to only delete own topics without replies
- Added: Support for forum name in title of notifications
- Fixed: Malformed meta descriptions when using some special characters
- Fixed: Deprecated error message in statistics
- Improved compatibility with WP-Sweep
- Removed: Themes functionality
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- The required minimum PHP version is now 5.3
- Fixed: Minor display issues
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Fixed: Display issues on mobile navigation
- Fixed: Potential error in title generation
- Revised topic view
- Fixed: Wrong HTML output in forum navigation
- Added: Option to define minimum time between new posts
- Changed: Time limit for editing/deleting topics/posts from minutes to seconds
- Minor design changes
- Improved mobile design
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
- Fixed: Multiple warnings in widgets
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Fixed: It was not possible to unsubscribe from topics/forums in the subscriptions area
- Fixed: Don’t remove href-attribute if links are allowed in signatures
- Fixed: Remove slashes from some outputs
- Fixed: Show groups in mobile view
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Only show moderators, administrators and topic participants in suggestions for mentioning-functionality
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Updated: Font Awesome to version 6.3.0
- Fixed: Broken automatic embedding
- Fixed: Embedding shortcodes broken under certain conditions
- Fixed: Rare rendering issues for widgets
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability when moving topics
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.1
- Added: Functionality to delete forum posts and topics when deleting users
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_is_feed_enabled filter
- Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.0
- Revised pagination
- Added: Option to hide names of online users in statistics
- Added: Option to define units for maximum file-size of uploads
- Added: Forum name to notifications
- Added: asgarosforum_render_custom_forum_element action
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_forum_status filter
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_post_counter_cache filter
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_topic_counter_cache filter
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_lastpost_forum_cache filter
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_get_topics_query filter
- Added: asgarosforum_overwrite_get_sticky_topics_query filter
- Added: asgarosforum_render_custom_forum_element_decision filter
- Fixed: SQL injection vulnerability in the reaction-functionality
- Fixed: Usergroup icons could not get saved correctly
- Fixed: Send notifications to forum-subscribers when there is a new blog-post-topic
- Fixed: Send notification to siteowner when there is a new unapproved blog-post-topic
- Fixed: HTML from message-templates got removed after saving them
- Changed: Move settings related to statistics to its own section
- Changed: Improve instructions in notifications-template
- Changed: Improved multiple strings for better clarifications
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.15.4
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Fixed: Broken links when URLs contain special characters
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Warnings related to the currently implemented security-improvements
- Fixed: Forum-icons could not get saved correctly
- Fixed: Correctly save allowed html-tags for signatures in forum-settings
- Removed: Advertising functionality
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
- Fixed: Broken output due to wrong escape-functions
- Fixed: Display and calculation-issues related to time and timezones
- Fixed: Ensure safe local redirects within the forum
- Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Changed: Added some clarifying comments for translators
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: SQL injection vulnerability in the approval-functionality
- Fixed: Prevent cross-site request forgery when creating, editing or deleting posts and topics
- Fixed: Add missing sanitizing for input data
- Fixed: Use sanitizing instead of escaping functions for input data
- Fixed: Add missing escaping for output data
- Fixed: Escape forum-name properly in backend
- Fixed: Multiple Unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the subscription-logic
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_post_submit filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_edit_post_submit filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_before_topic_submit filter
- Fixed: Warning in permalink-logic when a deleted post contains the forum-shortcode
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Improved compatibility with Sassy Social Share
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- Added: Option to limit the number of awarded points for likes in MyCred integration
- Added: title-attribute to spoiler-shortcode
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_username filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_error filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_forum_status_options filter
- Fixed: Hide empty paragraphs for topics created via WordPress posts
- Fixed: pre and code-tags were breaking the layout
- Fixed: Answer-options in polls were ordered randomly on some server-configurations
- Fixed: Added missing translation strings
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.15.3
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
- Added: Option to show usernames in reactions
- Added: Option to hide site-admins in memberslist
- Added: Option to change format for activity-timestamps
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_profile_row filter
- Fixed: Make it possible to delete empty topics
- Fixed: Errors when a topic is empty due to problems during post-creation
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Moved post-counter and report-button to the top
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_show_header filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_upload_folder filter
- Fixed: Show bulk-actions for user-roles/groups to administrators only
- Fixed: Added missing context for some translation strings
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Improved compatibility with All In One SEO Pack
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.6
- Dodano: asgarosforum_filter_meta_post_type filter
- Naprawiono: zepsuty TinyMCE-editor w panelu administracyjnym
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Naprawiono: ostrzeżenie PHP podczas inicjalizacji REST-routes
- Added: Option to hide „last seen” status from profiles and the members list
- Added: Links to login/register notification
- Added: asgarosforum_signature filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_header_menu filter
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Fixed: Minor display issues
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.14.0
- Kompatybilność z WodPressem 5.5
- Added: Option to change title-separator
- Added: CSS view-class to body-classes
- Added: asgarosforum_title_separator filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_profile_header_image filter
- Fixed: Do not execute a search-query when no categories are accessible
- Fixed: Minor display issues
- Changed: Misleading strings
- Improved compatibility with All In One SEO Pack
- Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
- Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO
- Fixed: Fatal error when multibyte-extension is not installed
- Added: Show number of forum-posts for every user in administration area
- Fixed: Prevent banned users from reacting to posts
- Fixed: Allow line-breaks in biographical info of profile
- Fixed: SQL syntax error when opening a non-existent topic
- Fixed: Rare string-cutting issues
- Fixed: Misleading strings
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Fixed: Display issues on mobile devices
- Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.4
- Added: Option to hide newest member
- Added: Option to let users open their own topics
- Added: Option to let users close their own topics
- Fixed: Only show meta-box for creating topics when user can publish a page/post
- Fixed: Errors in Google Search Console for breadcrumbs
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.11.2
- Minor design changes
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.3
- Added: Widget option to filter output by forums
- Added: Meta box to create topics for WordPress pages and posts
- Changed: asgarosforum_widget_recent_posts_custom_content is now a filter
- Changed: asgarosforum_widget_recent_topics_custom_content is now a filter
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.2
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: myCRED Integration
- Added: Reputation system based on amount of posts
- Added: Option to change login URL
- Added: Option to change register URL
- Added: asgarosforum_profile_row action
- Added: asgarosforum_after_add_reaction action
- Added: asgarosforum_after_remove_reaction action
- Added: asgarosforum_after_update_reaction action
- Fixed: Missing users in suggestions if their display name contains special characters
- Fixed: Missing users in suggestions if their display name is not equal to their unique name
- Fixed: Prevent that users react to their own posts
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.1
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with certain editor plugins
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Combined approval and closed options into a forum status option
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.10.0
- Improved compatibility with Enlighter
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to define general forum description
- Fixed: Dont cut meta-tag description in the middle of a word
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with certain editor plugins
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Problems when saving ads
- Fixed: Fatal PHP error when processing mentionings
- Changed: Default editor-buttons
- Removed: Option for minimalistic editor
- Added: Options to hide certain filters from memberslist
- Added: Code editor for custom-css and ad-code
- Added: Time to elements in unread-view
- Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- The required minimum WordPress version is now 4.9
- Fixed: Fatal PHP error in memberslist
- Added: Suggestions for mentioning-functionality
- Added: Show uploaded files in notification-mails
- Added: Option to define if poll-results are visible without vote
- Added: asgarosforum_enqueue_css_js action
- Fixed: PHP warnings during mentioning-processing when HTML 5 tags are used in posts
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Fixed: Correctly embed iframe-media
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.9.0
- Minor design changes
- Extensive performance improvements in memberslist and online-logic
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to define number of activities per page
- Added: asgarosforum_reactions filter
- Added: asgarosforum_execution_check action
- Fixed: JavaScript ReferenceError when leaving a page which does not contain an instance of the TinyMCE editor
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Use AJAX for reactions to prevent reload of page
- Improved compatibility with Toolset
- Improved compatibility with Permalink Manager
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to let users delete their own topics
- Added: Option to set time limitation for deleting topics
- Added: Option to let users delete their own posts
- Added: Option to set time limitation for deleting posts
- Added: Option to disable post editing
- Added: Option to change location of subforums
- Added: Warning when an user leaves a page with unsaved changes in the editor
- Fixed: Division by zero warning when viewing the results of a poll without votes
- Fixed: Added missing translation strings
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Select ad randomly if multiple ads are defined for a specific location
- Changed: Restructuring of settings
- Updated: Font Awesome version 5.8.2
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Search-engines could not index the forum if profiles were not accessible for guests
- Added: Option to change the indicator color for read and unread items
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Added: Options to change URL-slugs for views
- Added: Option to set icon for usergroup
- Added: Generate Open Graph image-tag for topics
- Added: asgarosforum_seo_trailing_slash filter
- Fixed: Search-engines cannot longer index profiles if they are not accessible for guests
- Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to define who can use signatures
- Fixed: Properly escape content of posts
- Fixed: Strip slashes inside of polls
- Fixed: Escape HTML inside of polls
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.2
- Added: Caption titles to topic-icons
- Fixed: Display issues with Font Awesome icons
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Fixed: Load Font Awesome v4 compatibility library to fix display-issues with icons
- Fixed: Database error when creating table for poll-answers
- Added: Poll functionality
- Added: Font Awesome icons
- Added: Option to change URL mode (slug, ID) for SEO-friendly URLs
- Added: Option to disable spoiler-functionality
- Added: asgarosforum_after_topic_approve hook
- Fixed: Dont send notifications to users who got mentioned inside of quotes
- Fixed: Broken layout with certain links
- Fixed: Wrong avatar-size in certain configurations
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Improved compatibility with Rank Math SEO
- Minor design changes
- Updated design for the administration area
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to disable avatars
- Added: Show received likes in profiles
- Added: Functionality to reassign forum posts when deleting users
- Design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Names of administrators/moderators not highlighted when using custom link-colors
- Added: Global stickies
- Added: Option to disable automatic embedding of content in posts
- Added: Option to show excerpt in recent topics/posts widget
- Added: asgarosforum_widget_excerpt_length filter
- Fixed: In some cases usergroup could not get removed from user using bulk-actions
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Moderators have access to reports
- Changed: Report management has been moved to the frontend
- Changed: Dont show HTML tags in report preview
- Changed: Show enabled register-link even when user registration is temporarily disabled
- Improved RTL support
- Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.1
- Added: Approval functionality for topics
- Added: Spoiler functionality
- Added: Option to define days of activity to show
- Added: Option to define receivers of administrative notifications
- Fixed: Display issues in the administration-area of Asgaros Forum when notices of WordPress or other plugins are shown
- Fixed: Broken forum if settings could not get loaded from database
- Fixed: Height of editor to small in certain configurations
- Fixed: It is not longer possible to quote posts from other topics
- Fixed: It is not longer possible to quote posts from inaccessible topics
- Fixed: It is not longer possible for guests to post when topics are inaccessible for guests
- Fixed: Search-engines cannot longer index inaccessible areas
- Fixed: Dont leak content via meta-tags in inaccessible areas
- Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
- Fixed: PHP-error in notifications-processing when a receiver-mail does not belong to a WordPress-user
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Show all editor-buttons when the minimalistic editor is not used
- Changed: Dont notify users about a new post or topic when they already receive a mail because they got mentioned
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- The required minimum WordPress version is now 4.8
- Fixed: Ad code containing JavaScript could not be edited
- Fixed: Allow activity-feed when using shortcode-parameters for categories
- Fixed: Only show accessible topics in unread-view
- Fixed: Only show accessible topics in unread-view when using shortcode-parameters
- Fixed: Only show accessible topics in post-history when using shortcode-parameters
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Ads Management
- Added: Option to add custom css
- Added: Option to hide posts from logged-out users
- Added: Mark all read-button to unread-view
- Added: Show location of unread topics
- Added: asgarosforum_content_top hook
- Added: asgarosforum_content_header hook
- Added: asgarosforum_after_category hook
- Added: asgarosforum_after_forum hook
- Added: asgarosforum_after_topic hook
- Added: asgarosforum_after_post hook
- Added: asgarosforum_content_bottom hook
- Added: asgarosforum_add_admin_submenu_page hook
- Fixed: Rare javascript-errors with some themes
- Removed: asgarosforum_after_first_post hook
- Minor design changes
- Minor design changes in the administration area
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Possible infinite-loop during database-updates
- Fixed: Prevent creation of indexes if they already exist
- Fixed: Possible PHP-errors in overview when there are empty forums/subforums
- Added: Option for recent-posts-widget to group posts by topic
- Added: asgarosforum_user_replacements filter
- Fixed: Delayed database-updates after plugin-update
- Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
- Fixed: Rare PHP-error in unread-logic
- Fixed: It was not possible to use HTML-attributes in mail-templates
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Wrong avatar-sizes with certain themes and plugins
- Added: New view to show unread topics
- Added: Filter users in memberslist by their role/usergroup
- Added: Mail-templates for notifications
- Added: Show groups of user inside the memberslist
- Added: Bulk-actions to assign roles
- Added: Filter users in backend by their role
- Added: Option to change link-color
- Added: Option to change light text-color
- Added: Option to change second background-color
- Added: asgarosforum_prepare hook
- Added: asgarosforum_usergroup_{ID}_add_user hooks
- Added: asgarosforum_usergroup_{ID}_remove_user hooks
- Added: asgarosforum_breadcrumbs_{current_view} hooks
- Fixed: Only show accessible posts inside post-histories to the current user
- Fixed: Broken forum-role selector in backend-profile
- Fixed: Broken banning-functionality in frontend when using plain URL-structure
- Fixed: Various problems which prevents the application of custom appearance-modifications
- Fixed: Hidden filters for usergroups in backend user-overview when there were many usergroups
- Fixed: A couple of display issues
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Dont group posts in „Recent Forum Posts”-widget by topic
- Changed: Show IDs of usergroups in the backend
- Changed: Usergroup-tags now link to memberslist showing all users of that group
- Changed: Show username of notification-receiver in mail
- Minor design changes
- Minor design changes in the administration area
- Improved application of custom appearance-settings
- Improved mobile design
- Improve first-time installation-process
- Screen-reader accessibility improvements
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Compatibility with WordPress 5.0
- Added: Forum administrator role
- Added: Show forum role in backend user overview
- Added: Moderators can now ban users
- Added: Its now possible to ban users from their profile
- Fixed: Rare PHP-error in rewrite-logic when post-object is not set
- Fixed: Performance issues in forums which consist of many topics
- Fixed: Broken links in posts pointing to other forum topics
- Fixed: Wrong default values for dates in database
- Changed: Users can no longer be moderators and banned at the same time
- Minor design changes
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: RSS feeds for topics and forums
- Added: Option to change main forum title
- Added: Unread indicator to activity feed
- Added: Show location of search results
- Added: asgarosforum_wp_head hook
- Added: asgarosforum_bottom_navigation hook
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_editor_buttons filter
- Fixed: Broken cookies when using SEO-friendly URLs
- Fixed: Render allowed HTML-tags in signatures inside the profile
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to disable counting of topic views
- Added: Option to allow HTML tags in signatures
- Added: Option to define allowed HTML tags for signatures
- Fixed: Use correct background color in profile when using a custom background color
- Changed: Remove HTML tags from signatures completely when HTML tags are not allowed
- Added: asgarosforum_custom_profile_menu hook
- Fixed: Broken post history view when SEO-friendly URLs are disabled
- Added: Post history of users
- Added: Option to change accent color
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Changed: Mobile theme improvements
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Users cannot post in closed topics anymore
- Fixed: Users cannot create topics in closed forums anymore
- Changed: Show registration date in last seen-status when user was not online yet
- Fixed: Broken seo-friendly URLs in combination with certain server protocol configurations
- Fixed: Broken usernames when URL contains certain special characters
- Fixed: Broken profile URLs when usernames are numeric
- Fixed: Broken URLs when using certain custom permalink structures
- Fixed: Dont show last seen-status in profiles/memberslist when who is online-functionality is disabled
- Changed: Allow HTML in forum descriptions
- Added: asgarosforum_widget_recent_posts_custom_content hook
- Added: asgarosforum_widget_recent_topics_custom_content hook
- Added: SEO-friendly URLs
- Added: User option to disable mentioning notifications
- Added: Option to add new users to specific usergroups automatically
- Added: Show last post info on small screens
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Fixed: Display issues on small screens
- Changed: Group activity by time
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Changed: Minor design changes in the administration area
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Activity feed functionality
- Added: Option to hide specific usergroups from public
- Added: Option to set time limitation for editing posts
- Added: Show visible usergroups of user in posts
- Changed: Always use defined usergroup color when output an usergroup
- Changed: Improved descriptions in subscriptions overview
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Improved compatibility with Autoptimize
- Fixed: Serious performance issues in the notifications logic
- Fixed: Broken subscriptions functionality for administrators in categories which are accessible for moderators only
- Fixed: Broken subscription checkbox in editor
- Usunięto: asgarosforum_filter_subscribers_query_new_post filter
- Usunięto: asgarosforum_filter_subscribers_query_new_topic filter
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Changed: Mobile theme improvements
- Changed: Dont show subscription checkbox in editor when user is subscribed to all topics
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to subscribe to all topics and posts
- Added: Possibility to unsubscribe from subscriptions inside the subscription overview
- Added: Option to hide category name in breadcrumbs
- Changed: Moved user subscription settings to the subscription overview
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Changed: Mobile theme improvements
- Changed: Moved mobile css rules into style.css file
- Fixed: Display issues on small screens
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Time when an user was last seen to profiles and members list
- Added: Name of the person who mentioned an user to notification mail
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_notify_mentioned_user_message filter
- Fixed: Display issues in the administration area on small screens
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Added: Mentioning functionality
- Added: Functionality to move forums
- Fixed: Reactions not saved correctly in some cases
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Improved mobile navigation
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Parse error when using some older versions of PHP
- Added: The search functionality now also checks topic titles
- Added: Include currently active guests in the statistics-area
- Fixed: Broken usernames in reports when users dont exist
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Removed: Read more-button from editor
- Changed: New profile design
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Reaction functionality
- Added: Reporting functionality
- Added: Search Widget
- Added: Option to limit file uploads to moderators
- Added: Option to change font
- Added: Option to change font size
- Added: Edit profile-link to profile
- Added: Possibility to toggle truncated quotes with a click
- Added: asgarosforum_prepare_{current_view} hooks
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_get_sticky_topics_order filter
- Fixed: Mark all read not working when using category-parameters in shortcode
- Fixed: Visited topics not marked as read in certain cases
- Fixed: Wrong author names for automatically created topics of scheduled blog posts
- Fixed: Wrong titles when using certain SEO plugins
- Fixed: Broken search when using certain special characters
- Fixed: Some strings could not get translated
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Apply additional validation rules before saving options
- Changed: All theme and color options are now available in the appearance area
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to change the border color
- Added: Option to hide members list for guests
- Added: Option to define number of members per page in members list
- Added: Show user role in members list
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_widget_avatar_size filter
- Fixed: Parse error when using some older versions of PHP
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Fixed: Display issues on mobile devices
- Changed: Design changes for the administration area
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Members list
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_members_link filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_automatic_topic_title filter
- Added: asgarosforum_filter_automatic_topic_content filter
- Fixed: Only create automatic topics for new blog posts instead for all post types
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Fixed: Do additional error checks during database upgrade to prevent some errors during an update
- Added: Categories for usergroups
- Fixed: Administrators didnt get notifications in some cases when using usergroups
- Fixed: Hide topics and forums from subscription list when a user has no access to it
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Show number of users for each usergroup in the user overview
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to automatically create topics for new blog posts
- Fixed: Broken subscriptions/profile-view when using shortcode with category-parameter
- Changed: Truncate long quotes
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Changed: Renamed asgarosforum_after_add_thread_submit hook into asgarosforum_after_add_topic_submit
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Pagination in topic-overview
- Added: Category name to breadcrumbs
- Dodano: Grupy użytkownika do profilu
- Dodano: Notka biograficzna do profilu
- Dodano: Syganturka do profilu
- Dodano: asgarosforum_filter_forum_menu filter
- Dodano: asgarosforum_filter_topic_menu filter
- Dodano: asgarosforum_filter_post_menu filter
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Zgodność z WordPress 4.9
- Added link to the official support forum to the administration area
- Added: Options to hide login/logout/register buttons
- Added: asgarosforum_custom_header_menu hook
- Fixed: Broken search when using plain permalink structure
- Fixed: Styling issues with highlighted usernames
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Prevent indexing of the following views: addtopic, movetopic, addpost, editpost, search
- Changed: Show page number in meta title
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Fixed: Broken guest-posting functionality
- Added: Profile functionality
- Fixed: Subscriptions view not working with certain shortcode parameters
- Fixed: Rare PHP-notices
- Changed: Login/Logout/Register links are now accessible everywhere
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to hide author posts counter
- Fixed: Prevent cross-site request forgery in settings
- Fixed: Prevent non-admin users from modifying settings
- Fixed: PHP errors when updating user profile
- Changed: Enqueue stylesheets
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Subscription overview
- Fixed: Strip slashes when showing the description inside of a forum
- Changed: Highlight quotes in the editor
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Fixed: Broken structure administration
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to show description in forum
- Dodano: asgarosforum_filter_avatar_size filter
- Fixed: Dont show last posts/topics in widgets when user cant access any categories
- Fixed: Limit maximum characters in a couple of input fields
- Fixed: Display issues in administration with small screen resolutions
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Zmieniono: Drobne korekty projektu
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Register links to some error messages
- Fixed: Huge performance drops when the forum has a lot of posts/topics
- Fixed: Broken editor with some editor-configurations
- Fixed: Wrong stylings when using custom colors
- Naprawiono: Problemy z wyświetlaniem niektórych motywów
- Changed: Increased page-navigation size on mobile devices
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option to change icon of forums
- Fixed: Missing data when using shortcode parameter for specific post
- Poprawa wydajności i optymalizacja kodu
- Added: Option …