Wtyczka nie została przetestowana z trzema ostatnimi głównymi wydaniami WordPressa. Może nie być już utrzymywana lub obsługiwana, co może skutkować problemem ze zgodnością z nowszymi wersjami WordPressa.

Arbitrary Shortcodes


Replaces Shortcodes with Homepage Custom Fields.

This plugin allows you to write your page content like this:
„Contact our company, [company_name], by email at: [email].”

Text with these shortcodes can be defined on any number of pages throughout your site.

The values of all of the shortcodes are controlled in a single location: the Custom Fields of your blog’s home page. For the above example, there would be Custom Fields on the home page called „company_name” and „email” with the values, respectively, of „Example Company Name” and „info@example.com”.

This plugin requires that you have WordPress set to show a static Page on the home page under Settings->Reading and „Front page”.

So then, for all the custom fields entered on the home page, this plugin looks for shortcodes (in all pages) and replaces each of their values, upon output, with the relevant custom field value.

This is useful for if you want to fill many pages with text that includes an arbitrary number of shortcodes or template text and have all the values can be replaced in one place.

-By Phil Freo


This plugin requires that you have WordPress set to show a static Page on the home page under Settings->Reading and „Front page”.

  1. Upload the arbitrary-shortcodes/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Fill your content on any page(s) on your site with the desired arbitrary shortcodes
  4. For each shortcode you would like to define, create a custom field (and value) on the page that is shown as the „home page” for the site.

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„Arbitrary Shortcodes” jest oprogramowaniem open source. Poniższe osoby miały wkład w rozwój wtyczki.
